IBFD - Your Portal to Cross-Border Tax Expertise Since 1938, tax practitioners from all over the world rely on the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) for authoritative expertise on cross-border taxation. IBFD is the portal to high quality independent tax research, international tax information and education with the aim to enable customers to do their work more quickly and efficiently. The wealth of IBFDÕs experience and knowledge is reflected in th
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Vienna, VA, United States

IBFD - Your Portal to Cross-Border Tax Expertise

Since 1938, tax practitioners from all over the world rely on the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) for authoritative expertise on cross-border taxation. IBFD is the portal to high quality independent tax research, international tax information and education with the aim to enable customers to do their work more quickly and efficiently. The wealth of IBFDÕs experience and knowledge is reflected in the make-up of the organization. IBFD employs over 50 research specialists and teacherÕs staff from around 25 different countries.

International focus

IBFD has grown from a tax documentation centre into a contemporary online research institute. It caters for both the private and the public sector. It fulfils the information needs of tax advisory firms, multinational enterprises, international organizations, ministries of finance, tax administrations, universities and other tax practitioners in over 150 countries.


Significantly, IBFD operates on a not-for-profit basis and is completely independent. This is very much reflected in the objective and unbiased approach of our products, consultancy, education and software. IBFDÕs organization is divided into IBFD's Products and Services, which covers all publishing, educational, research and consultancy activities, and IBFD Foundation which executes several Academic Activities.

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