Icode Inc.
iCode Inc. is a state-of-the-art educational institution located in the Dallas area. iCodeÍs mission is to equip young minds with the skills to think critically, solve problems logically and drive innovation through creativity and imagination. With its proprietary curriculum based entirely on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math), iCode is a true agile school committed to offering the best learning experience for Elementary, Middle and High School studen
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Dallas, TX, United States

iCode Inc. is a state-of-the-art educational institution located in the Dallas area. iCodeÍs mission is to equip young minds with the skills to think critically, solve problems logically and drive innovation through creativity and imagination. With its proprietary curriculum based entirely on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math), iCode is a true agile school committed to offering the best learning experience for Elementary, Middle and High School students. Serving also as an educational incubator, iCode provides enthusiasts with the time, opportunity and resources to dream, design and turn their best ideas into viable products, thus bringing innovative solutions to many of the challenges we face today.

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  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/icode-inc--1/id570828097
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  • Release Date: November 7th, 2012
  • Update Date: May 9th, 2018


This resourceful study tool contains over 1,000 of the most common words and pronunciations in the Greek New Testament and is compatible with most popular Koine Greek grammars.

Detailed Description:
Basics of Biblical Greek Vocabulary Cards is the most convenient way to increase your biblical Greek vocabulary. Based on William D. Mounce’s extremely popular printed flashcards (http://zondervan.com/9780310259879), it includes all words that occur 10 times and more in the Greek New Testament, as well as a number of other common or popular words. With this app, you can study these words arranged by their associated chapter in your Greek grammar, frequency, part of speech, and more. Now you never have to leave home without your Greek flashcards! It serves as an excellent resource for both new students, as well as those that have had Greek, but want to renew their studies.

Summary of Features:
- Over 1,000 of the most common biblical Greek words
- Cards linked to 5 popular Greek grammars
- Sortable by chapter (in related grammars), frequency, and part of speech
- Viewable alphabetically, by frequency, or randomly
- Test your knowledge with a “Quiz Mode” that tracks your progress

Detailed Description of Features:
This program allows you to filter and sort your vocabulary cards in a number of helpful ways. If you are just beginning your study of biblical Greek, you can view the cards according to their respective chapter in the grammar you are using. Or, if you are further along in your study, sort your cards by frequency or part of speech. Once you are more familiar with the cards, you can quiz yourself, while the program tracks your right and wrong answers. Additionally, the “Sharing” feature allows you to easily tell your friends and fellow students about the application.

The following grammars are supported:
(If you would like to add an additional grammar, please let us know!)
- Basics of Biblical Greek, by William D. Mounce
- Learn to Read New Testament Greek, David Alan Black
- New Testament Greek for Beginners, J. Gresham Machen and Dan G. McCartney
- The Elements of New Testament Greek, Jeremy Duff
- A Primer of Biblical Greek, N. Clayton Croy
- With more to come!

Zondervan and iCode are committed to providing you the best flashcard tool possible. If you have suggestions on how to improve it, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will do our best to include the most helpful suggestions in future releases.

Daily Downloads Mar 01 - 31, 2025
Created with Highcharts 7.1.2USAMay 15123456

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Reviews (Newest First)


Jan 22, 2017

Great App!!!

Excellent for vocab quizzing, love the English to Greek feature. Would be 5 stars if somehow could add case ending features or maybe noun rules 1-8...lots of potential for a few added features that would greatly benefit the Greek student


Dec 06, 2016

Needs update

With latest OS, Iphone and iPad both ask that the app be updated as it slows device down. Emails to the developers do nothing either. Also some errors with the audio files and actual cards. Please update to justify the price.


Jun 16, 2016

Opportunity for Improvement

I think it would be fantastic if these words could be sorted by books of the New Testament. That way I could drill myself on the words in that one book that I'm studying or preaching.


May 16, 2016


I love this app! I was wondering if for each card you could add a Greek Bible verse to show the Greek word in action? This would be so amazing to an already amazing app! Thanks guys!!!


May 10, 2016

Love this App !

This app is such a great tool for learning Greek vocabulary! While taking Greek 1 and Greek 2 at Trinity College of Florida this app truly was a life saver. I was taking other classes besides Greek and having this app saved me from having to carry around flash cards everywhere (which I would of for sure lost some of them). I instead just had them all in my phone and they were just a click away. Also for each flash card you can choose to listen to its pronunciation which is a great aid for learning! (The more senses we use the better!!) I would still of course study by writing each words down while saying them out loud over and over again (visual, tactile, hearing), but after that 80% of my studying definitely took place in this app. I can definitely say this app had an impact on my grades for Greek. It has a quiz option and I would always quiz my self on the app's quiz before taking a quiz of exam at my school, and usually I would get similar results, which in my case was a good thing! I still use this app often to refresh my Greek vocabulary and of course learn new words (I still have a long way to go) I think it would be neat if it had a built in "Greek word of the day" setting that would show each day on my notifications bar and send me alerts. Also if that built in setting for word of the day could have settings so a person could choose lower frequency words to learn a new one each day. Just saying, it would be pretty cool and I would certainly be using it! I definitely recommend using this app if your taking biblical Greek courses using Basics of Biblical Greek by Mounce books. It is worth the money. And again it saves you from having to carrying so many flash cards around.

Stop reading and download

Jan 29, 2016

Good but definitely needs improvement

There is a lot of potential to this app, and a little bit of improvement would make it great! For example, if this app were to include some of the charts and perhaps interactive games or quizzes to go along with the charts then it would improve exponentially. Additionally, it would be awesome to have the ability to be able to look up words in a search bar, rather than have to look words up in the chapters
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