Founded in 1973, The Indian Institute of Planning and Management has grown to become one of the most respected business schools in South Asia . Its unique focus on national economic planning and highly researched management process control techniques has rewarded it with having the most exhaustive linkages with all facets of the corporate world. The Integrated and Full Time Programme in National Economic Planning and Entrepreneurship provided by IIPM (which are superior to standard MBA and BBA programs), alongwith IIPM's Fellowship, Executive Education (and Global Opportunities and Threats Analysis programs where students visit organizations like the United Nations (Geneva), World Bank, ILO, Nestle S.A. Vevey, IMD Lausanne, Credit Suisse etc.) have created some of the highest standards in the management field.
1,000 - 5,000

Founded in 1973, The Indian Institute of Planning and Management has grown to become one of the most respected business schools in South Asia . Its unique focus on national economic planning and highly researched management process control techniques has rewarded it with having the most exhaustive linkages with all facets of the corporate world. The Integrated and Full Time Programme in National Economic Planning and Entrepreneurship provided by IIPM (which are superior to standard MBA and BBA programs), alongwith IIPM's Fellowship, Executive Education (and Global Opportunities and Threats Analysis programs where students visit organizations like the United Nations (Geneva), World Bank, ILO, Nestle S.A. Vevey, IMD Lausanne, Credit Suisse etc.) have created some of the highest standards in the management field.

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