Imm - Ideas Made Measurable
IMM is a full-service digital marketing agency based in Boulder, CO. We focus on building national marketing programs that get smarter every day and increase in value over time. Founded in 2006, IMM has a distinguished track record of innovating and adapting ahead of major industry shifts. Following the concept of Ideas Made Measurable, IMM takes a bottoms-up approach to building full-funnel campaigns that leverage advanced paid media, social/mobile a
Marketing and Advertising
50 - 200
Boulder, CO, United States
Imm - Ideas Made Measurable

IMM is a full-service digital marketing agency based in Boulder, CO. We focus on building national marketing programs that get smarter every day and increase in value over time.

Founded in 2006, IMM has a distinguished track record of innovating and adapting ahead of major industry shifts. Following the concept of Ideas Made Measurable, IMM takes a bottoms-up approach to building full-funnel campaigns that leverage advanced paid media, social/mobile and creative strategies.

IMM maximizes ROI for category leaders and challengers across a wide range of verticals including restaurants, consumer electronics, health, CPG, financial services and retail.

Want to learn more? Give us a ring at 303-867-8855 or drop a us note at

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Cu ajutorul aplicatiei iTV Romania poti urmari o multime de posturi TV, cu o simpla conexiune la internet.

Nu ai nevoie de Sopcast sau alte programe externe de stream, ci doar de MX Player, acesta fiind un program extrem de folosit de utilizatorii Android!

Lista de programe TV include : TVR1, TVR HD, Antena 1, Antena 3, Kanal D, Realitatea, National TV, Kiss TV, UTV, Dolce Sport, etc.

Functioneaza pe orice dispozitiv Android, versiunea 2.1 sau mai recenta.

Copyright, termeni si conditii :

iTV Romania si implicit autorul aplicatiei nu isi asuma raspunderea si nu pot fi trasi la raspundere pentru incalcarea eventualelor drepturi de autor, difuzare, copiere sau preluare.

Aceasta aplicatie face legatura catre stream-ul principal si este doar un simplu intermediar intre utilizator si transmisie.

Lista de streaming a fost preluata, fiind disponibila in mod liber si gratuit la si alte site-uri. Pentru lista acestora, va rugam contactati developer-ul.

Imm - Ideas Made Measurable receives up to 0.07M pageviews per day.

They are headquartered at Boulder, CO, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Imm - Ideas Made Measurable works with Advertising technology companies such as The Trade Desk, DoubleClick.Net, Yahoo Small Business, Index Exchange, AppNexus, Rubicon Project,, Adap.TV, Facebook Custom Audiences, Adform, Improve Digital, Yieldlab, StickyAds TV, Falk Realtime, IponWeb BidSwitch, Eyeota, eXelate, BlueKai, BlueKai DMP, Openads/OpenX, OnAudience, Pubmatic, DemDex, Adobe Audience Manager Sync, Adition, Turn, Teads, 1DMP, Tapad, Google Remarketing, Neustar AdAdvisor, IAB Tech Lab, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, DoubleClick Bid Manager, LinkedIn Ads, Specific Media, Clickagy, EMX, Roku, Aggregate Knowledge, AudienceRate, TripleLift, Semasio.