Incadea - A Cox Automotive Brand
incadea, A Cox Automotive Brand, is the leading provider of enterprise software solutions and services to the global automotive retail and wholesale market. With a proven industry focus and expertise, incadea is the vendor of choice for car manufacturers and their dealer networks around the world. The company is present in 100 countries, serving a growing community of more than 100,000 end users, across 4,000 dealerships of market leading OEMs. incadea is Microsoft's strategic Partner in the Automotive retail industry. For the decade, incadea has worked with leading automotive industry players, helping them to become high performers and to improve their market position through the use of world-class technology. Extensive research and analysis of the needs of our clients has enabled us gain deep insight into the industry and its key drivers. The industry expertise is embedded in incadea's proprietary enterprise software solutions which enables car manufacturers and their dealer networks, selling more than 60 brands around the world, to improve and standardize processes, reduce costs and increase growth. incadea offices around the world: -EUROPE- incadea Germany (Headquarters) incadea Deutschland incadea Austria incadea BSS (Austria) incadea Spain incadea Greece incadea Italy incadea Norway incadea Portugal incadea Russia incadea Turkey incadea Netherlands -ASIA PACIFIC- incadea China incadea India incadea Asia Pacific (Taiwan, Malaysia) incadea New Zealand incadea Mexico incadea Japan incadea Korea -MIDDLE EAST- incadea Middle East Africa / Dubai -LATAM- incadea Colombia incadea Mexico
200 - 500

incadea, A Cox Automotive Brand, is the leading provider of enterprise software solutions and services to the global automotive retail and wholesale market. With a proven industry focus and expertise, incadea is the vendor of choice for car manufacturers and their dealer networks around the world. The company is present in 100 countries, serving a growing community of more than 100,000 end users, across 4,000 dealerships of market leading OEMs. incadea is Microsoft's strategic Partner in the Automotive retail industry.

For the decade, incadea has worked with leading automotive industry players, helping them to become high performers and to improve their market position through the use of world-class technology. Extensive research and analysis of the needs of our clients has enabled us gain deep insight into the industry and its key drivers.

The industry expertise is embedded in incadea's proprietary enterprise software solutions which enables car manufacturers and their dealer networks, selling more than 60 brands around the world, to improve and standardize processes, reduce costs and increase growth.

incadea offices around the world:

incadea Germany (Headquarters)
incadea Deutschland
incadea Austria
incadea BSS (Austria)
incadea Spain
incadea Greece
incadea Italy
incadea Norway
incadea Portugal
incadea Russia
incadea Turkey
incadea Netherlands

incadea China
incadea India
incadea Asia Pacific (Taiwan, Malaysia)
incadea New Zealand
incadea Mexico
incadea Japan
incadea Korea

incadea Middle East Africa / Dubai

incadea Colombia
incadea Mexico

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  • Bentonville
Incadea - A Cox Automotive Brand receives traffic in countries such as Kenya, Russia.

They have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Incadea - A Cox Automotive Brand works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.