Indra is one of the main global consulting and technology companies, the top IT firm in Spain, and the technology partner for the core operations of its clients businesses worldwide. It offers a comprehensive range of proprietary solutions and cutting-edge services with a high added value in technology, which adds to a unique culture that is reliable, flexible and adaptable to its clientsÕ needs. Indra is a world leader in the development of end-to-end technology solutio
Information Technology and Services
> 10,000
Alcobendas, Spain

Indra is one of the main global consulting and technology companies, the top IT firm in Spain, and the technology partner for the core operations of its clients businesses worldwide. It offers a comprehensive range of proprietary solutions and cutting-edge services with a high added value in technology, which adds to a unique culture that is reliable, flexible and adaptable to its clientsÕ needs. Indra is a world leader in the development of end-to-end technology solutions in fields such as Defense & Security, Transport & Traffic, Energy & Industry, Telecommunications & Media, Financial Services, Electoral Processes, and Public Administrations & Healthcare. Through its Minsait unit, it addresses the challenges of digital transformation. In 2016 Indra posted revenues of Û2,709m and had a workforce of 34,000 professionals, a local presence in 46 countries, and sales operations in more than 140 countries. Following its acquisition of Tecnocom, Indra's combined revenues amounted to more than Û3,200m in 2016 with a team of nearly 40,000 professionals.

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Global Rank 146,926
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  • Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals
  • Pharmaceuticals
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  • Genre: News
  • Bundle ID: es.indra.PPEE.EPEU14
  • Release Date: May 22nd, 2014
  • Update Date: May 22nd, 2014


Esta aplicación permite a los ciudadanos consultar los resultados de los avances de participación y el escrutinio provisional de las Elecciones al Parlamento Europeo que se celebran en España el 25 de Mayo de 2014.

Se pueden consultar los resultados provisionales de las Elecciones Europeas de 2014 en todas las Comunidades y Ciudades Autónomas, Provincias y Municipios.

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Indra receives up to 0.03M pageviews per day.

They are headquartered at Alcobendas, Spain, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Indra works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Twitter Ads.