Inkwood Research
Inkwood Research specializes in syndicated & customized research reports and consulting services. By offering market intelligence studies we assist informed business decisions, ensuring relevant and fact based research across a range of industries including automotive, technology, chemicals, materials, healthcare and energy with strategic objective insights acknowledging diverse business environments. Our studies are periodically updated to provide current, relevant and valuable data. With a strong base of analyst & consultants with diverse expertise, experience and ability to zero-in on the crux of any challenge, a secure competitive advantage is assured. With 20 years of research experience ensure you efficient deliverables with global and country industry knowledge and research expertise. Our analysis covers North & South America, Europe, CEE, CIS, Middle East, Africa and Asia
Market Research
10 - 50
Boston, MA, United States

Inkwood Research specializes in syndicated & customized research reports and consulting services. By offering market intelligence studies we assist informed business decisions, ensuring relevant and fact based research across a range of industries including automotive, technology, chemicals, materials, healthcare and energy with strategic objective insights acknowledging diverse business environments. Our studies are periodically updated to provide current, relevant and valuable data. With a strong base of analyst & consultants with diverse expertise, experience and ability to zero-in on the crux of any challenge, a secure competitive advantage is assured.
With 20 years of research experience ensure you efficient deliverables with global and country industry knowledge and research expertise. Our analysis covers North & South America, Europe, CEE, CIS, Middle East, Africa and Asia

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They are headquartered at Boston, MA, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Inkwood Research works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Google Remarketing.