INNOLABZ is an organization driven to identify and bridge the so-called –GAP” that persists on every step of an individualês career path. Despite advancement in technology, teaching methodology & innovation, there is a void left between aspirants and real-world skills. With a motive to fill that void INNOLABZ was founded. Gone are those times when degree, grades were considered to be the assessment criteria. The need of the hour is to foster creat
Education Management
10 - 50

INNOLABZ is an organization driven to identify and bridge the so-called –GAP” that persists on every step of an individualês career path.
Despite advancement in technology, teaching methodology & innovation, there is a void left between aspirants and real-world skills. With a motive to fill that void INNOLABZ was founded.
Gone are those times when degree, grades were considered to be the assessment criteria. The need of the hour is to foster creative and innovative thinking. Learning and innovation should work in tandem in present Indian society, and for this, INNOLABZ being the catalyst for direction.
At Innolabz, we develop the brains to get the best out of it. We give them the attitude to decide their altitude. The aspirants are given a platform to develop their skills and hone the one(s) they already have.

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