Inov360 arose from two convictions the founder acquired on the field these last years : The digital revolution constantly offers new opportunities to improve and reinvent products, services and the companies themselves. This revolution is a permanent movement, maintained by successive waves of innovations and transformations, which leaves no room for inaction. It is better to anticipate and accompany a movement rather than endure it. To successfully innova
Management Consulting
1 - 10
Paris, Île-de-France, France

Inov360 arose from two convictions the founder acquired on the field these last years :

The digital revolution constantly offers new opportunities to improve and reinvent products, services and the companies themselves. This revolution is a permanent movement, maintained by successive waves of innovations and transformations, which leaves no room for inaction. It is better to anticipate and accompany a movement rather than endure it.

To successfully innovate and take advantage of this digital revolution, companies or communities must gather more ingredients to grow more rapidly. For greater efficiency, these ingredients can be found inside their own organization but also on the outside.

Whether you are a large group, a local authority or a start-up, Inov360 offers a team of innovation professionals able to support you throughout the study process, development, launch and deployment of products, services or innovative activities, alongside your own team. At Inov360, we want to provide the catalysts and ingredients necessary to the strengthening and acceleration of your ability for in-house innovation.

We operate today in five high stakes and quickly evolving areas, in which we specialize: Smart City, Digital transformation, Internet of things, new mobilities, smart networks, industry 4.0 and digital life.

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They are headquartered at Paris, Île-de-France, France, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.