Instakey Security Systems
INSTAKEY is a customizable key-based access control program, which provides the instant capability to re-key and re-pin locks without hardware changes or the services of a locksmith while simultaneously tracking all aspects of the program. The patented hardware prevents unauthorized duplication of keys and allows the user to instantly re-key any level of a master key system without affecting any other level. INSTAKEYÍs patented software and secure central key-
Security and Investigations
10 - 50
Lakewood, CO, United States
Instakey Security Systems

INSTAKEY is a customizable key-based access control program, which provides the instant capability to re-key and re-pin locks without hardware changes or the services of a locksmith while simultaneously tracking all aspects of the program. The patented hardware prevents unauthorized duplication of keys and allows the user to instantly re-key any level of a master key system without affecting any other level. INSTAKEYÍs patented software and secure central key-tracking computer service enable a real-time monitoring system of every individually serial-numbered key, every lock, and every user in the system, utilizing the internet to provide real time answers to real time access control questions.

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