Integrated Diagnostics Holdings - Idh
The largest medical diagnostics business in the Middle East and South Asia. Integrated Diagnostics Holding provides focused superior medical diagnostics services to more than 5 million patients annually through a network of 235 branches covering Egypt, Sudan, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. With over 3,000 group employees, It covers all specialties of laboratory diagnostics and offer customers a wide range of diagnostics testing services that will materially impact patient and community well being.
Hospital & Health Care
1,000 - 5,000
Saint Helier, Jersey

The largest medical diagnostics business in the Middle East and South Asia. Integrated Diagnostics Holding provides focused superior medical diagnostics services to more than 5 million patients annually through a network of 235 branches covering Egypt, Sudan, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. With over 3,000 group employees, It covers all specialties of laboratory diagnostics and offer customers a wide range of diagnostics testing services that will materially impact patient and community well being.

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  • 9808
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Global Rank 368,546
Egypt Rank 5,179
Egypt Page Views 100.0%
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Top Search Keywords
  • Electronics and Electrical
  • Test and Measurement
Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
  • 5 SDKs
  • 1 Total reviews
  • App Url:
  • App Support:
  • Genre: Medical
  • Bundle ID: com.Kryptonworx.Alborg
  • App Size: 29.8 M
  • Version: 1.0
  • Release Date: May 7th, 2014
  • Update Date: May 7th, 2014


The Alborg Laboratory app is one of the communication tools that's being used by Alborg to update its customers with all it's services such as:

- Find the nearest branch
- Access test results
- know the recent programs and promotions
- Fill in a Home Visit request by determining the suitable date and time for sample collection
- Notify the customers when the test result is ready

In addition to many other services that promotes the healthy life.

تطبيق معمل البرج هو أحد أدوات التواصل التي يستخدمها معمل البرج ليساعد عملائه
في التعرف على أهم الخدمات التي يقدمها المعمل ومنها على سبيل المثال:
- البحث عن أقرب فروع المعمل
- الحصول على نتائج التحاليل
- التعرف على أحدث البرامج والخصومات التي يقدمها المعمل
- إرسال طلب زيارة منزلية وتحديد الوقت المناسب لسحب العينة من المنزل
- حفظ جميع نتائج التحاليل في مكان واحد حتى يتمكن العملاء من التعرف على نسب التغيير في نتائج التحاليل من وقت لآخر

بالاضافة الى خدمات أخرى كثيرة يقدمها المعمل تساعد في نشر ثقافة الحياة الصحية.

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May 17, 2014


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They are headquartered at Saint Helier, Jersey, and have 5 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Integrated Diagnostics Holdings - Idh works with Advertising technology companies such as Network Solutions Ads.