Keen Healthcare
Keen Healthcare is a leading national US manufacturer and provider of the worlds most innovative and highest quality medical equipment and supplies! Trust Keen. Passion. Innovation. Quality. Expertise. Service. Cost Savings. Live Happyª ! Headquartered in Pacific Northwest Portland, Oregon, and Maj Dist Ctr and Showroom in Seattle, Washington, serving long term care Acute, Home Health, Hospice, Asst/Residential Care, and Retail end-users direct, nationally. Partn
Hospital & Health Care
200 - 500
Portland, OR, United States

Keen Healthcare is a leading national US manufacturer and provider of the worlds most innovative and highest quality medical equipment and supplies! Trust Keen. Passion. Innovation. Quality. Expertise. Service. Cost Savings. Live Happyª !
Headquartered in Pacific Northwest Portland, Oregon, and Maj Dist Ctr and Showroom in Seattle, Washington, serving long term care Acute, Home Health, Hospice, Asst/Residential Care, and Retail end-users direct, nationally. Partnered with the nations long term facility families, with Preferred Formularies of care solutions, and Algorithms for care, we guarantee consistent healing, prevention, and cost savings to your bottom line.
Founded by Vail Horton, Keen Healthcare CEO, in 2002, ( while still a student in college, born without legs and deformed arms, out of necessity due to chronic pain induced by years of standard crutch abuse, invented and patented, the Navigatorª shock absorbing crutch to remain vertically mobile. Organically grown our clients demanded growth to all" medical equipment supply and services. Today we manufacture over 52 lines and provide only the highest quality items to our partners needs.

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Keen Healthcare
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