ÒTwenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didnÕt do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.Ó Ð Mark Twain
Welcome to Ker & Downey Africa, the most adventurous travel team on the planet! From our base in Cape Town, South Africa, we set out to explore Africa, the continent that we are proud to call our home, to find the most daring and thrilling experiences and destinations.
Ker & Downey Africa is a group of international travellers, fl‰neurs, adventurers and entrepreneurs bound by a love of adventure, exploration and discovery.
Monday mornings sees our Adventurists gathering around a fresh brew of strong coffee to compare the various adventures we are designing for our clients or checking in on the progress of clientÕs already travelling on one of our expeditions.
We ask ourselves how we can push the boundaries of adventure travel this week? How we can drop you in the midst of what we love doing whilst ensuring your safety and comfort? How can we connect you with exceptional moments that will change your life forever?
This is our mantra. And itÕs only the beginning of a Ker & Downey LuxVentureª expedition.
Our success has been built on our network of trusted partners and affiliates. We are always on the look out for new partnership ideas and would love to hear from you if you are interested in working with us. Please contact us on enquiries@ker-downeyafrica.com.
- Company Name:Ker & Downey Africa
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Cape Town, South Africa
Leisure, Travel & Tourism
10 - 50 employees
- 3133995 Global Rank
- 861837 Spain

- Qatar 42.6%
- Mexico 20.5%
- United States 8.5%
- Egypt 7.9%
- India 4.8%
- Chicago