The leading pure play shopping center property company in Europe, Kl_pierre combines development, property and asset management skills. The companyÍs portfolio is valued at 22.8 billion euros at December 31, 2016 and comprises large shopping centers in 16 countries in Continental Europe which altogether welcome 1.2 billion visitors per year. Kl_pierre holds a controlling stake in Steen & StrÀm (56.1%), ScandinaviaÍs number one shopping center owner and manager. Kl_pierre is a French REIT (SIIC) listed on Euronext Paris and included in the CAC 40, EPRA Euro Zone and GPR 250 indexes. It is also included in ethical indexes, such as DJSI World and Europe, FTSE4Good, STOXX¬ Global ESG Leaders, Euronext Vigeo France 20 and World 120, and is ranked as a Green Star by GRESB (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark). These distinctions underscore the GroupÍs commitment to a proactive sustainable development policy.
Commercial Real Estate
1,000 - 5,000
Paris, France

The leading pure play shopping center property company in Europe, Kl_pierre combines development, property and asset management skills.
The companyÍs portfolio is valued at 22.8 billion euros at December 31, 2016 and comprises large shopping
centers in 16 countries in Continental Europe which altogether welcome 1.2 billion visitors per year.
Kl_pierre holds a controlling stake in Steen & StrÀm (56.1%), ScandinaviaÍs number one shopping center owner and manager.
Kl_pierre is a French REIT (SIIC) listed on Euronext Paris and included in the CAC 40, EPRA Euro Zone and GPR 250 indexes. It is also included in ethical indexes, such as DJSI World and Europe, FTSE4Good, STOXX¬ Global ESG Leaders, Euronext Vigeo France 20 and World 120, and is ranked as a Green Star by GRESB (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark).
These distinctions underscore the GroupÍs commitment to a proactive sustainable development policy.

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  • 82 SDKs
  • 0 Total reviews
  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/klepierre/id521056242
  • App Support: https://rives-d-arcins.klepierre.fr/Nous-contacter
  • Genre: Lifestyle
  • Bundle ID: com.galae.rivesdarcins
  • App Size: 24.5 M
  • Version: 7.1.2
  • Release Date: June 9th, 2012
  • Update Date: June 26th, 2018


Avec l’application mobile de votre centre commercial Rives d’Arcins, retrouvez les actualités et les bons plans des 60 boutiques de votre centre sur votre smartphone !

- Découvrez les tendances et les dernières collections de vos marques préférées en consultant leurs catalogues.
- Préparez votre parcours shopping en sélectionnant les boutiques que vous voulez visiter et les bons plans dont vous souhaitez profiter.
- Les horaires d'ouverture et le plan interactif du centre commercial, mais aussi la fonction « Où est ma voiture ? » qui vous permettra de retrouver votre voiture en 2 clics.
- Consultez le solde de votre Carte Cadeau à utiliser dans tous les magasins du centre commercial.
- Partagez les nombreux bons plans de vos magasins préférés avec vos amis sur Facebook et Twitter.

A très bientôt à Rives d’Arcins, le centre commercial différent par nature avec des jardins en bord de Garonne pour vos instants détente, balades...

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They are headquartered at Paris, France, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Klepierre works with Advertising technology companies such as Weborama, AppNexus, AppNexus Segment Pixel.