Korindo Group
Korindo is an international group of companies with multi-business in wide variety of products. The management is led by professional managers who are nationals from many countries. Having its headquarter in Indonesia, it has heavy industry production plants in Spain, France, Germany and many industrial plants in Indonesia ranging from wood chip, palm oil, newspaper to special-purpose vehicles and wind towers. Most of its products are exported to many c
Jakarta, Indonesia

Korindo is an international group of companies with multi-business in wide variety of products. The management is led by professional managers who are nationals from many countries. Having its headquarter in Indonesia, it has heavy industry production plants in Spain, France, Germany and many industrial plants in Indonesia ranging from wood chip, palm oil, newspaper to special-purpose vehicles and wind towers. Most of its products are exported to many countries worldwide with the support of sales offices in five major Buyer countries in Seoul, Tokyo, Hongkong, Los Angeles and Jeddah.

Korindo has proven its constant and sustainable growth for over 40 years in the global business and is committed to constantly innovating its management structures and processes to continue its role as a truly global enterprise.

Korindo steadily promotes the development of social infrastructures as well as its people and environment in Indonesia through its development programs and community building activities to emphasize its role as an environmentally friendly company.

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Mobile App Data
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| Cinlok - Get a Friend, Go Hang Out
  • 100 K Downloads
  • 21 SDKs
  • 3.63 Avg. Rating
  • 378 Total reviews
  • App Url: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=id.co.cinlok
  • App Support: http://www.mdlab.co.id/
  • Genre: dating
  • Bundle ID: id.co.cinlok
  • App Size: 0
  • Version: 2420
  • Release Date: February 16th, 2017


Find your hang out friend everyday with Cinlok – Get a Friend, Go Hang Out! You can hang out together in cinema or restaurant.

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Find friend and ask him/her to hang out.
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Choose place, date, and let them ask you to hang out.
• Chat
Enjoy fun talk and choose the one whom you like the most. .
• Profil
Check your friend’s profile and see if you have something in common.
• Cinlok Shop
Stylize room with themes and stickers.

Let’s hang out!

Android API
All APIs for communicating with the Android system.
Anjlab In-App-Billing
A lightweight library that implements in-app-payments for Android applications.
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Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
Korindo Group receives up to 0.1M pageviews per day, in countries such as Indonesia.

They are headquartered at Jakarta, Indonesia, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.