Kothari Pipes (kothari Agritech Pvt. Ltd.)
Kothari Agritech Pvt Ltd is a leading manufacturer of a wide array of pipes and accessories for irrigation, agriculture, industrial, etc domains. Our products are energized to offer diligent life to their immediate needs and long term requirements of our assorted customers. The name synonymous for its quality and endurance among cross section of clients, Kothari has carved a niche in its business of providing apt solutions for effective use of water through most reliable products range like pvc pipes, irrigation systems, drip, sprinklers. The company has most latest machinery with professional skills leveraging high end technology thereby providing our high quality products range to withstand diverse environments.
200 - 500
Solapur, Maharashtra, India

Kothari Agritech Pvt Ltd is a leading manufacturer of a wide array of pipes and accessories for irrigation, agriculture, industrial, etc domains. Our products are energized to offer diligent life to their immediate needs and long term requirements of our assorted customers.

The name synonymous for its quality and endurance among cross section of clients, Kothari has carved a niche in its business of providing apt solutions for effective use of water through most reliable products range like pvc pipes, irrigation systems, drip, sprinklers.

The company has most latest machinery with professional skills leveraging high end technology thereby providing our high quality products range to withstand diverse environments.

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They are headquartered at Solapur, Maharashtra, India, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.