Krka is one of the leading generic pharmaceutical companies in the world. We have now been successfully implementing our strategies and pursuing our mission and vision for more than 60 years. KrkaÕs basic line of business is the production and sale of prescription pharmaceuticals, non-prescription products and animal health products. The companyÕs activities are supplemented by health resort and tourist services. Our products are sold in over 70 countries.

Krka is one of the leading generic pharmaceutical companies in the world. We have now been successfully implementing our strategies and pursuing our mission and vision for more than 60 years. KrkaÕs basic line of business is the production and sale of prescription pharmaceuticals, non-prescription products and animal health products. The companyÕs activities are supplemented by health resort and tourist services. Our products are sold in over 70 countries.

At Krka we develop innovative generic medicines, i.e. value-added generic medicines that are the product of our own in-house knowledge, and provide our products with major advantages for years after market entry. All our pharmaceuticals offer high quality, efficacy and safety. Our products are marketed under our own brands.

As a generic producer, Krka produces medicines that can take their place alongside the worldÕs leading pharmaceutical companies in terms of quality, safety and efficacy. Quality, in the broadest sense of the word, is created, maintained and the responsibility of all employees. KrkaÕs systematic approach is intended to ensure it exceeds customer requirements and achieve the companyÕs set operating objectives.

Krka's strategy for own-brand generic pharmaceutical development is achieved through investment in research and development capacity and Krka's own production and distribution centres around the world. KrkaÕs business performance is based on the commitment and the knowledge of its employees. At Krka we are committed to acquiring, motivating and retaining dedicated and capable staff and building an international corporate culture. Investment in knowledge and the development of all our employees helps them to become among the very best in their own fields of work.

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