Lagardre Sports
Lagardre Sports is a leading sports marketing agency, with a global network of local experts dedicated to delivering innovative solutions that meet our clientsÍ needs. We believe sport inspires emotions and passion that are essential to enrich peopleÍs lives and generate powerful collective experiences. At Lagardre Sports, we dedicate our expertise and passion to provide our clients with privileged access to the infinite opportunities of sports. Lagardre Sports is part of Lagardre Sports and Entertainment, a company with more than 1,600 employees worldwide and 50 years of experience. Site: The Lagardre Group is a global leader in content production whose powerful brands leverage its virtual and physical networks to attract and retain qualified audiences.The GroupÍs business model relies on creating a lasting and exclusive relationship between the content it offers and its customers. It is structured around four business divisions: ´ Books and e-books: Lagardre Publishing ´ Travel Retail and Distribution: Lagardre Travel Retail ´ Press, Audiovisual, Digital and Advertising Sales Brokerage: Lagardre Active ´ Sports and Entertainment: Lagardre Sports and Entertainment

Lagardre Sports is a leading sports marketing agency, with a global network of local experts dedicated to delivering innovative solutions that meet our clientsÍ needs. We believe sport inspires emotions and passion that are essential to enrich peopleÍs lives and generate powerful collective experiences. At Lagardre Sports, we dedicate our expertise and passion to provide our clients with privileged access to the infinite opportunities of sports. Lagardre Sports is part of Lagardre Sports and Entertainment, a company with more than 1,600 employees worldwide and 50 years of experience.

The Lagardre Group is a global leader in content production whose powerful brands leverage its virtual and physical networks to attract and retain qualified audiences.The GroupÍs business model relies on creating a lasting and exclusive relationship between the content it offers and its customers.
It is structured around four business divisions:
´ Books and e-books: Lagardre Publishing
´ Travel Retail and Distribution: Lagardre Travel Retail
´ Press, Audiovisual, Digital and Advertising Sales Brokerage: Lagardre Active
´ Sports and Entertainment: Lagardre Sports and Entertainment

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Lagardre Sports
They are headquartered at France, and have 26 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Lagardre Sports works with Advertising technology companies such as Criteo.