Lamar Advertising
Founded in 1902, Lamar Advertising Company (Nasdaq: LAMR) is one of the largest outdoor advertising companies in the world, with more than 330,000 displays across the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. Lamar offers advertisers a variety of billboard, interstate logo and transit advertising formats, helping both local businesses and national brands reach broad audiences every day. In addition to its more traditional out-of-home inventory, Lamar is prou
Marketing and Advertising
1,000 - 5,000
Baton Rouge, LA, United States

Founded in 1902, Lamar Advertising Company (Nasdaq: LAMR) is one of the largest outdoor advertising companies in the world, with more than 330,000 displays across the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. Lamar offers advertisers a variety of billboard, interstate logo and transit advertising formats, helping both local businesses and national brands reach broad audiences every day. In addition to its more traditional out-of-home inventory, Lamar is proud to offer its customers the largest network of digital billboards in the United States with over 2,600 displays.

Please feel free to explore our website or contact us at for additional information.

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| Charting Operations & Installation
  • 10 SDKs
  • 1.21 K Total reviews
  • App Url:
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  • Genre: Travel
  • Bundle ID: com.lamar.roadninjaapp
  • App Size: 10.8 M
  • Version: 3.3.5
  • Release Date: October 13th, 2011
  • Update Date: April 27th, 2014


Named one of the “10 Best Apps for Traveling Like a Local” -

“Never travel the interstate alone again. RoadNinja has your back.” -CNN

Always on the interstate? Love road trips? This is the must-have app for you:

*Always know what’s coming up at the next exit
*Compare gas prices at upcoming exits
*Scroll through exits OR use search to find out what’s ahead
*Plan your road trip with a directory of every interstate and exit in the U.S.
*Search Promotions to check out deals and specials around you
*Not on the interstate? Turn on NEARBY mode and see what’s close by
*Get directions to all locations and view those locations in Google’s panoramic street view.
*Share promos/reviews on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+
*Tap any business logo to get contact info, read reviews, browse through their photos, and view their twitter feed
*See what fellow travelers have to say about venues and share your thoughts by easily posting photos and reviews
*Change default categories displayed at each exit. Choose from 30 options, including Apparel, Coffee Shops, Vegetarian, Parking, Seafood and more
*Designate your favorites by tapping the heart icon

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Reviews (Newest First)


Jan 23, 2015

Won't show the correct direction and the uturn button doesn't work!

I have used this on many trips and it's been so helpful! Pulled it up today for our 14 hr drive and it won't work right! It shows us going the opposite direction. Fine, I'll just click the uturn. Now, doesn't work. So I get to see alllll the food exits that we have passed. Closed out and reopened many times. Even deleted the app and reloaded it. Still doing the same thing. Makes me so sad because I like to use this app to plan ahead our meals!

Zachhh hayy

Jan 19, 2015

This app is essential!!

This is the best travel app next to MAPS! I am on the road a lot and nothing is more annoying than seeing a blue sign on the Hwy full of restaurants and they are all 3 miles off of the Hwy. this app lets you see all of the restaurants available at all upcoming exits. 1. This allows the car to fight about where we are going to eat long before the decision must be made. 2. If I am in a hurry but I really want some pizza... I can call it in ahead of time and just drive through and pick it up! This is a great app. I have no idea what some of these reviews are talking about when they say it crashes all the time. I haven't had any issues with the app so far.


Jan 19, 2015

Appears to be missing data

This app I would use only as a general guideline. While driving down the road and seeing what is off of the exits such as hotels in gas stations I make a mental note, then look at the road ninja, about half of the time doesn't show what I see at the exits. The developers need to use a different source for their information. This would be a great tool if properly developed. Good start boys but keep trying!!!


Jan 06, 2015


Delete. App stays locked up.

dat dev guy

Jan 04, 2015


The interface seems a bit sluggish. Also, the road data is out of sorts and I can only choose one direction when picking the highway manually. Too much flash- not enough functionality.

gallagher girl #3

Jan 04, 2015

Has potential but buggy

I get the crash report every time I open it, once it gets open it is pretty good. Spent the day driving on i40 E, many exits that it does not know exist, but the ones it does were exactly right.
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Lamar Advertising
Lamar Advertising
Lamar Advertising receives up to 0.2M pageviews per day, in countries such as United States.

They are headquartered at Baton Rouge, LA, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Lamar Advertising works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Google Remarketing.