Leosphere, founded in 2004, and its subsidiary Avent Lidar Technology are world leaders in ground-based and nacelle-mounted Lidar (Light Dectection And Ranging) for atmospheric observation. The companies design, develop, manufacture, sell and service new turnkey remote-sensing instruments allowing wind measurement and aerosol characterization. Leosphere has deployed several hundreds of Lidars throughout the world in severe environments with the same concern of reliability, accuracy, return on investment, and dedication to atmospheric hazards control. We also provide tests, delivery, training, warranty, maintenance of all equipment and customerÍs assistance. Avent Lidar Technology develops, manufactures and sells wind turbine-mounted Lidars. Its mission is to help the wind industry use high-potential Lidar technology to extend the reliability and optimize the performance of wind turbines and wind farms. Our customers are as well national weather services, research agencies than Wind developers, Turbine manufacturers, Utilities, Consultants, Aviation authorities and Universities from all over the world. Leosphere and Avent Lidar Technology (in Wind Power only) offer the widest LIDAR range in the industry. OUR 4 MARKETS - Wind Power - Aviation Weather - Weather & Climate - Air Quality and Industrial Risk FACTS AND FIGURES: - More than 1 000 Lidars installed in more than 50 countries - 27,5 Mó revenue in 2017 - 120 people - 10% R&D Expenses - Corporate independency: owned by founders & managers
Renewables & Environment
50 - 200
Orsay, France

Leosphere, founded in 2004, and its subsidiary Avent Lidar Technology are world leaders in ground-based and nacelle-mounted Lidar (Light Dectection And Ranging) for atmospheric observation. The companies design, develop, manufacture, sell and service new turnkey remote-sensing instruments allowing wind measurement and aerosol characterization.

Leosphere has deployed several hundreds of Lidars throughout the world in severe environments with the same concern of reliability, accuracy, return on investment, and dedication to atmospheric hazards control. We also provide tests, delivery, training, warranty, maintenance of all equipment and customerÍs assistance.

Avent Lidar Technology develops, manufactures and sells wind turbine-mounted Lidars. Its mission is to help the wind industry use high-potential Lidar technology to extend the reliability and optimize the performance of wind turbines and wind farms.

Our customers are as well national weather services, research agencies than Wind developers, Turbine manufacturers, Utilities, Consultants, Aviation authorities and Universities from all over the world. Leosphere and Avent Lidar Technology (in Wind Power only) offer the widest LIDAR range in the industry.


- Wind Power
- Aviation Weather
- Weather & Climate
- Air Quality and Industrial Risk


- More than 1 000 Lidars installed in more than 50 countries
- 27,5 Mó revenue in 2017
- 120 people
- 10% R&D Expenses
- Corporate independency: owned by founders & managers

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They are headquartered at Orsay, France, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Leosphere works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.