Link-pro Cpa Limited
Link-Pro CPA Limited is a team Certified Public Accountants practicing in Hong Kong providing professional assurance services. We accommodate the needs of international clients with cloud accounting solutions. We help start-ups (early growth-stage companies) survive in an environment of high occupancy costs as is in Hong Kong. We are committed to connecting with young entrepreneurial talents and latest technologies. _ At Link-Pro CPA Limited, establishing strong and long standing relations with our clients is our primary objective. We provide efficient, effective and high-quality assurance services. We may also help you and your business with our professional advice on cloud accounting and business-related solutions.
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Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Link-Pro CPA Limited is a team Certified Public Accountants practicing in Hong Kong providing professional assurance services. We accommodate the needs of international clients with cloud accounting solutions. We help start-ups (early growth-stage companies) survive in an environment of high occupancy costs as is in Hong Kong. We are committed to connecting with young entrepreneurial talents and latest technologies.
At Link-Pro CPA Limited, establishing strong and long standing relations with our clients is our primary objective. We provide efficient, effective and high-quality assurance services.

We may also help you and your business with our professional advice on cloud accounting and business-related solutions.

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They are headquartered at Hong Kong, Hong Kong, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Link-pro Cpa Limited works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Google Remarketing.