Livepicture Llc
At its core, LivePicture is an experiential marketing company. We deliver customized content through a variety of channels, including trade show displays, digital signage, touchscreen kiosks, print, web, CRM and marketing automation tools, and VR/AR heads-up displays. Our goal is to engage and enlighten clients quickly, effectively with incredible return on your technology and content investments. Currently, our team consists of 4 industry professionals whoÍs
Marketing and Advertising
1 - 10
Sterling Heights, MI, United States

At its core, LivePicture is an experiential marketing company. We deliver customized content through a variety of channels, including trade show displays, digital signage, touchscreen kiosks, print, web, CRM and marketing automation tools, and VR/AR heads-up displays. Our goal is to engage and enlighten clients quickly, effectively with incredible return on your technology and content investments. Currently, our team consists of 4 industry professionals whoÍs combined experience ranges from major advertising agency experience, to sporting goods product development, to setup and deployment of studio VR visualization caves.

Current Industry Partnerships:
Intel | Dell | Barco | Lenovo | Adobe Systems | LTU Collaboratory | LG Digital Signage | LG-MRI Digital Signage | Samsung Digital Signage and Content Systems | Planar Digital Signage | Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) | HTC VIVE

For years, no one had heard of ñexperiential marketing.î Trade shows had stagnated into a great place for you and your customers to meet once a year. But what about all of the traffic you miss, or people who just walk by without an engagement?

LivePicture aims to change this. For example, at trade shows, instead of a traditional display, yours will literally jump out at your clients, creating a lasting impression that creates value and drives sales.

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Livepicture Llc
They are headquartered at Sterling Heights, MI, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Livepicture Llc works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, ClickBank, Link Share.