Lmt Onsrud
From the very beginning dating back to 1946 when Onsrud Cutter Manufacturing Company (OCMC) first began, LMT Onsrud has been committed to providing the best quality router bits and cutting tools our customers demand and have come to expect. Our roots were established within Libertyville, Illinois with an initial product offering of high-speed steel router bits, milling cutters, and carbide tipped tools and over the next 65 years of producing high quality tooling,
50 - 200
Waukegan, IL, United States

From the very beginning dating back to 1946 when Onsrud Cutter Manufacturing Company (OCMC) first began, LMT Onsrud has been committed to providing the best quality router bits and cutting tools our customers demand and have come to expect.

Our roots were established within Libertyville, Illinois with an initial product offering of high-speed steel router bits, milling cutters, and carbide tipped tools and over the next 65 years of producing high quality tooling, we have seen our customer requirements grow and expand.

Current tooling lines range from our starting point of engineered panel applications which developed into plastic and composite machining for the marine and aircraft industries. Our latest endmills are utilized to mill aluminum and exotic metals within todayÍs aerospace, defense, medical industries as well as other technical applications, while our special solid carbide drills are designed to cut composites, titanium and other non-ferrous materials.

We take pride in manufacturing tooling for CNC routers / CNC Mills in addition to electric and air routers. Aluminum, composites, plastics, honeycomb, exotic metals, natural and man-made materials _ LMT Onsrud has a solution.

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Lmt Onsrud
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