MarianaIQ increases marketing ROI 10X-50X. ItÍs done through Omnichannel B2B Automation that engages individuals not firms. Omnichannel meaning interactions arc across channels, so the right person gets the right content, at the right time, in the right place. The prospect has a seamless, personalized experience throughout the funnel. No unpersonalized spam.
Omnichannel and automation are realized through deep learning (a specialized branch of artificial intelligence). Instead of a single data-point prospect (e.g., email or job title) in the funnel, Mariana can process up to 50K data points real time creating a living prospect, a 360Á view, guiding the prospect down paths of highest conversion.
The team is a mix of machine learning and marketing veterans whoÍve worked at Juniper, Symantec, VMWare, EMC, and McKinsey.
- Company Name:Marianaiq
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Palo Alto, CA, United States
10 - 50 employees
- 32328101 Global Rank
- 92429 India

- United States 25.7%
- China 13.3%
- India 9.3%
- United Kingdom 5.8%
- Japan 5.0%
- Firms