Marketup S.r.o.
We are a digital marketing & creative agency providing services at European and other markets. MarketUP supports clients to build customer-centric marketing in digital world to cover all digital touchpoints with customers with compelling and consistent brand promise. We help brands to create and deliver unique content for all suitable digital channels accross customer journey to inspire, educate, entertain and assist their customers. Our clients are large con
Marketing and Advertising
10 - 50
Prague, Czech Republic

We are a digital marketing & creative agency providing services at European and other markets. MarketUP supports clients to build customer-centric marketing in digital world to cover all digital touchpoints with customers with compelling and consistent brand promise. We help brands to create and deliver unique content for all suitable digital channels accross customer journey to inspire, educate, entertain and assist their customers.

Our clients are large consumer goods producers (ADIDAS, REEBOK, CONVERSE, LEIFHEIT, K€RCHER), FMCG producers (TABASCO, H€AGEN-DAZS, HAMƒ, VITANA, MADETA, BONAVITA), retail chains (A3 SPORT, SCONTO, GEOX, ARMANI), direct marketing companies (MARY KAY, ORIFLAME), B2B companies (ABB, FANUC, HILTI) and many others including startups, corporations and international players.

We are the Premier Google Partner and our team hold 40+ individual certifications at search, display, video, mobile and product ads. We are the top partner of Facebook and Seznam and using programmatic platforms Adform and Google Doubleclick.

At September 2017 we has been shortlisted by Google among 7 best digital agencies in Video Innovation in EMEA at Google Premier Partner Awards.

For more details please visit:

So why not get in touch with us to review your potential? Whether your are a company ready to grow or a marketing professional eager to join our passionate team, we would be happy to meet you!

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They are headquartered at Prague, Czech Republic, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Marketup S.r.o. works with Advertising technology companies such as Adform, Google Remarketing, Google Adsense, DoubleClick.Net, Facebook Custom Audiences, Seznam.