Mediareach Omd
OMD - An Integrated Communications Agency delivering Media and Marketing Solutions Globally. As part of a global OMD network of 11,000+ people in over 135 offices, we deliver insights that unlock demand potential, ideas that ignite consumer desire and results that accelerate business growth for our clients. We are a dynamic, creative and influential agency network that collectively combines to make OMD the most awarded agency network in the world. We are consistently being recognized globally: - Awarded most creative and innovative global network by the Gunn Report 2015, for the 10th consecutive year. - Agency Network if the Year, Festival of Media Global 2015. - Global Media Agency of the Year 2013 & 2014 Adweek. Located in Nigeria, we are ranked No.1 by RECMA, with a 24.8% market share as per the latest available report published in 2015.
50 - 200
Lagos, Nigeria

OMD - An Integrated Communications Agency delivering Media and Marketing Solutions Globally.

As part of a global OMD network of 11,000+ people in over 135 offices, we deliver insights that unlock demand potential, ideas that ignite consumer desire and results that accelerate business growth for our clients. We are a dynamic, creative and influential agency network that collectively combines to make OMD the most awarded agency network in the world.

We are consistently being recognized globally:

- Awarded most creative and innovative global network by the Gunn Report 2015, for the 10th consecutive year.
- Agency Network if the Year, Festival of Media Global 2015.
- Global Media Agency of the Year 2013 & 2014 Adweek.

Located in Nigeria, we are ranked No.1 by RECMA, with a 24.8% market share as per the latest available report published in 2015.

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They are headquartered at Lagos, Nigeria, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.