With over 25 years of experience, MEDISCA has developed a solid reputation as an innovative and entrepreneurial company in the pharmaceutical compounding industry. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality compounding products and supplies, unparalleled service and competitive pricing to our clients located around the world. As a leader in the pharmaceutical compounding industry, MEDISCA is always striving to bring new innovative, high qu
50 - 200
Plattsburgh, NY, United States

With over 25 years of experience, MEDISCA has developed a solid reputation as an innovative and entrepreneurial company in the pharmaceutical compounding industry. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality compounding products and supplies, unparalleled service and competitive pricing to our clients located around the world.

As a leader in the pharmaceutical compounding industry, MEDISCA is always striving to bring new innovative, high quality products to the market. Our product line is continually expanding to address the evolving and growing field of pharmaceutical compounding.

Our quest for revolutionary products and innovative devices drives our Research & Development team. Our employees monitor industry trends closely and are proactive in responding to the numerous challenges it faces.

You can depend on us to watch the trends and be proactive in addressing the challenges of the pharmaceutical compounding industry.

ÒWe share a common goal: to succeed in what we do from both a professional and business perspective. Together, we can maintain and improve the integrity, quality and diversity of pharmacological care. The strength of our alliance will serve to consolidate this task Ð simply envision yourself as part of the MEDISCA mission!Ó

- Antonio Dos Santos, President & CEO of MEDISCA

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