Merck India
Merck is a leading science and technology company for innovative and top-quality high-tech products in healthcare, life science and performance materials.Around 50,000 employees work to further develop technologies that improve and enhance life _ from biopharmaceutical therapies to treat cancer or multiple sclerosis, cutting-edge systems for scientific research and production, to liquid crystals for smartphones and LCD televisions. In 2014, Merck ge
1,000 - 5,000
Mumbai, India

Merck is a leading science and technology company for innovative and top-quality high-tech products in healthcare, life science and performance materials.Around 50,000 employees work to further develop technologies that improve and enhance life _ from biopharmaceutical therapies to treat cancer or multiple sclerosis, cutting-edge systems for scientific research and production, to liquid crystals for smartphones and LCD televisions. In 2014, Merck generated sales of ó 11.3 billion in 66 countries. Founded in 1668, Merck is the world's oldest pharmaceutical and chemical company.

Merck Limited (formerly E. Merck Limited) was set up in India in 1967. It was the first Merck subsidiary in Asia. In India, Merck is represented in the three business sectors of Healthcare, Life Science and Performance Materials. The head-office is located at Vikhroli, Mumbai.

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They are headquartered at Mumbai, India, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Merck India works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Adobe Audience Manager Sync, DemDex, Facebook Custom Audiences.