Mm Group For Industry And International Trade (mti)
MTI was founded in 1996 with a clear vision towards becoming EgyptÍs largest distributor and is currently a market leader in the local consumer electronics distribution and retail segment. MTI is a Joint Stock Company, formally incorporated in 1996, listed on the Egyptian Stock Exchange (Ticker: MTIE.CA). MTI is EgyptÍs largest distribution network by geographic coverage leveraging on a longstanding distribution platform that spans 40,000+ points of sale, with both distribution and retail channels. MTI holds a diversified product portfolio with significant growth prospects through strong partnerships with leading global brands. MTI operates various business lines such as; telecommunication, consumer electronics, automotive, seamless pipes, and tractors.
Cairo, Egypt

MTI was founded in 1996 with a clear vision towards becoming EgyptÍs largest distributor

and is currently a market leader in the local consumer electronics distribution and retail segment.

MTI is a Joint Stock Company, formally incorporated in 1996, listed on the Egyptian Stock Exchange (Ticker: MTIE.CA).

MTI is EgyptÍs largest distribution network by geographic coverage leveraging on a longstanding distribution platform that spans 40,000+ points of sale, with both distribution and retail channels.

MTI holds a diversified product portfolio with significant growth prospects through strong partnerships with leading global brands. MTI operates various business lines such as; telecommunication, consumer electronics, automotive, seamless pipes, and tractors.

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They are headquartered at Cairo, Egypt, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.