Moment Factory est un studio de divertissement multimŽdia spŽcialisŽ dans la conception et la production dÕenvironnements immersifs. En combinant la vidŽo, lÕŽclairage, lÕarchitecture, le son et les effets spŽciaux, Moment Factory offre des expŽriences mŽmorables. Avec son sige social basŽ ˆ MontrŽal, le studio possde Žgalement des bureaux ˆ Tokyo, Los Angeles, Londres et Paris. Depuis ses dŽbuts en 2001, Moment Factory a crŽŽ plus de 400 spectacles et destinations ˆ travers le monde pour des clients tels que lÕaŽroport de Los Angeles, Nine Inch Nails, Microsoft, la NFL, Sony, Toyota, la ville de Barcelone, Madonna et la Royal Caribbean.
Moment Factory is a multimedia entertainment studio specializing in the conception and production of immersive environments combining video, lighting, architecture, sound and special effects to create remarkable visitor experiences. With its headquarters based in Montreal, the studio also has offices in Tokyo, Los Angeles, London and Paris. Since its inception in 2001, Moment Factory has created more than 400 shows and destinations across the world for big-name clients such as the Los Angeles Airport, Microsoft, NFL, Sony, Toyota, the City of Barcelona, Madonna and Royal Caribbean.
- Company Name:Moment Factory
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Media Production
200 - 500 employees
- 466278 Global Rank
- 53760 Canada
- 84.9 K Estimated Visits

- China 79.0%
- Canada 5.5%
- United States 3.1%
- Thailand 1.0%
- Broadcasting
- Video Shows
- 0 SDKs

- App Url:
- App Support:
- Genre: Entertainment
- Bundle ID: com.momentfactory.connect-ios-shell
- Version: 1.0.1
- Release Date: August 24th, 2016
- Update Date: September 2nd, 2016
Experience the full transformation! This app connects you to the experimental multimedia installations at the Moment Factory Camping extravaganza. Keep in mind, it's site-specific and is not of any use if you're not going to be camping with Moment Factory on August 27th, 2016.
They are headquartered at Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Moment Factory works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.