Moose Toys
Moose Toys exists to make children happy. The team has innovation in their DNA and are famous for the design, development and manufacture of award winning toys that continue to disrupt the market! Moose Toys dominates in categories including collectables, craft, dolls, games and youth electronics and is consistently recognised as the most creative company in the industry. The family run business disrupted the toy industry with the global phenomenon Shopkins and through these pintsized characters, reinvigorated the way children play. The success of the company extends to the development of content, entertainment and global licensing deals. Moose calls Australia home, has over 350 staff and distributes to over 100 countries. Visit for more information on our amazing brands and people.
Consumer Goods
200 - 500
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Moose Toys exists to make children happy. The team has innovation in their DNA and are famous for the design, development and manufacture of award winning toys that continue to disrupt the market! Moose Toys dominates in categories including collectables, craft, dolls, games and youth electronics and is consistently recognised as the most creative company in the industry.
The family run business disrupted the toy industry with the global phenomenon Shopkins and through these pintsized characters, reinvigorated the way children play. The success of the company extends to the development of content, entertainment and global licensing deals. Moose calls Australia home, has over 350 staff and distributes to over 100 countries. Visit for more information on our amazing brands and people.

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  • 10 SDKs
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  • Genre: Games
  • Bundle ID: com.moosetoys.littlelivepets
  • App Size: 461 M
  • Version: 1.8
  • Release Date: October 7th, 2015
  • Update Date: March 1st, 2017


Welcome to the Little Live Pets Pet Shop! Adopt your own virtual pet – feed, clean, play and accessorize your pet mouse, turtle, bird, puppy and more. Adopt them from the pet shop and care for them - just like a real pet! Play mini-games to level up, earn coins and unlock surprises!


- Choose the virtual pets that you would like to adopt in the pet shop: all new Splashberry the Frog, Chatter the Mouse, Digi the Gaming Turtle, Poppin’ Polly the Bird, Purrcilla the Kitten, Sweet Beat the Puppy and Luvey Duck.
- Keep your pet happy by feeding, cleaning and playing with them.
- Play mini-games to level up and earn coins: Puppy Dash, Mouse Hurdles, Puppy Jumble, Tweet Along, Turtle Turbo, Cheese Quest and Cleverkeet Augmented Reality.
- Create your own Sweet Talking Kitten sound recordings with the Sweet Repeat game.
- Use your coins to buy food, toys, accessories, habitats and cleaning materials from the Store.
- Unlock new items as you play along and progress through the levels.

Have fun with these caring activities:
- Feed your pet – let your pet enjoy a sumptuous feast of delicious apples, pears, carrots, bananas and even artichokes!
- Clean your pet – grab the soap, sponge, brush, towel and shower head to wash your pet.
- Play and have fun – throw a ball and play with your pet to keep it happy.
- Dress up! Keep your pet cool with cute hats, ties, collars and many other accessories.
- Interact with your pet - tap your pet anywhere and you will see it move, feel, react and sound like a real pet!

Play the fun mini-games and earn cool rewards for you and your pet! 
Guide Snuggles the puppy over the jumps and cones in the agility course and run as fast as you can to win loads of points.
Hop along to the new Frog Hop game! Race Splashberry against her frog friends – jump over the logs and catch the flies to get speedy power-ups, and don’t get stuck in the mud!
- Race with other mice, jump over hurdles and catch the cheese power-ups to emerge as the champion of the Mouse Hurdles mini-game.
- Tweet in the same tune as our Tweet Talking Bird in the Tweet Along mini-game.
- Help the Sweet Talking Puppy find the delicious dishes he’s dreaming about in Puppy Jumble.
- Dive and dodge the obstacles and reach the finish line before timer stops in the Turtle Turbo mini-game.
- Roll the Lil’ Mouse through the maze of pipes. Navigate bridges, spinning wheels and other obstacles to reach the cheese and give your pet a tasty treat in the Cheese Quest mini-game!
- Experience the fun as Cleverkeet comes to life in the Cleverkeet Augmented Reality Game! Feed him and see him fly. Sing, dance and play with him. Dress him up with cute and cool accessories.

Have fun taking care of your Little Live Pets!

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My princess Sam

Jun 28, 2017

Little live pet fun

I love the app but the problem is there are no ways to keep your account each time I open the app I have to make a new account and why just have one version of that pet why not have multiple mouse options or bird options or turtle options are any pet you choose why not add in the hedgehogs or the surprise checks or the baby turtles these are just suggestions other than those things I love your application


Jun 18, 2017

This is the problem on cheese quest

The problem with cheese quest is on some levels I CAN'T move at all like on level 9 so can you make it so there are only 8 or 7 levels by the way you should listen to the first comment or one below me I mean the queen one?

Chocolate Labrador queen

Jun 08, 2017

Just one thing please...

I love the game it is flawless and awesome. Also can you make it so you can change the kind of pet that you have?! Like for example the mouse is blue but I want it to look like the gray mouse with the hearts on it. So can you make it so that you can change it like I said?! Please♥♡


May 26, 2017


It is so so fun but to play a game you need a mother one

Yoshi, Kirby & Furby fan

May 24, 2017

Loads of fun!!!!!!!!!!

If u have the little live pets toys, this's 4 u!!!!!!!!!!!! Super cute minigames included!!!!!!!!

Chubby cheeks 🐼

Feb 24, 2017

Awesome game!!!!!!!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😃😋😋😋😋😋😋😋

This game has adorable little pets to adopt! I'm a seven year old girl and I just love this game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am on level 11! I have a pet mouse that's named Chatter!🐿🌸🌷 I think this game is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My dreams come true when I first played this game.If you ever play this game you will enjoy it!🤗
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