Moovz - The Global Lgbt Social Network
Moovz is a pioneering social network for gay, lesbian, bi and trans individuals designed to unite local and global; people and influencers; you and the community. LGBT individuals with like-minds are enabled to connect, share, and feel the heartbeat of the community as one. Moovz is the heart of the LGBT social media community. The app is a safe place to get connected to the LGBT Community worldwide. On Moovz, you can meet new people, take part in cu
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Moovz - The Global Lgbt Social Network

Moovz is a pioneering social network for gay, lesbian, bi and trans individuals designed to unite local and global; people and influencers; you and the community. LGBT individuals with like-minds are enabled to connect, share, and feel the heartbeat of the community as one.

Moovz is the heart of the LGBT social media community. The app is a safe place to get connected to the LGBT Community worldwide. On Moovz, you can meet new people, take part in current social movements, explore events around you, upload themed videos, and chat in new and cutting edge ways. At Moovz, we are not afraid to tackle the hard issues our community faces, but we also know how to have fun. This is what makes Moovz so unique and allows our users to connect on a more personal level.

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  • University of Texas
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