National Black Mba Association
Established in 1970, the National Black MBA Association is dedicated to develop partnerships that result in the creation of intellectual and economic wealth in the black community. In partnership with over 400 of the country's top business organizations, the association has inroads into a wide range of industries as well as the public and private sector. Yet all of NBMBAA's partners have one thing in common: they are all committed to the organization's goals and values.
Nonprofit Organization Management
10 - 50
Atlanta, GA, United States

Established in 1970, the National Black MBA Association is dedicated to develop partnerships that result in the creation of intellectual and economic wealth in the black community. In partnership with over 400 of the country's top business organizations, the association has inroads into a wide range of industries as well as the public and private sector. Yet all of NBMBAA's partners have one thing in common: they are all committed to the organization's goals and values.

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Global Rank 116,253
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United States Page Views 99.7%
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  • Mutual Funds
  • Fund Families
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  • App Size: 2.71 M
  • Version: 5
  • Release Date: June 24th, 2013
  • Update Date: June 30th, 2013


Who is the National Black MBA, Association Inc., Chicago Chapter?
In 1972, the National Black MBA Association (NBMBAA), a volunteer organization, was incorporated as a non-profit organization (501c3)
National organization, with international reach
– 44 Professional Chapters
– 12 Collegiate Chapters
– Chicago Chapter is the third largest chapter
– We are a part of the Midwestern Region
Our Mission:
To lead in the creation of economic and intellectual wealth for African Americans.
To lead in the creation of economic and intellectual wealth for African Americans.

Our Local Vision:
Increase the number of successful African American professionals in the business community by:
Providing innovative programs that stimulate intellectual and economic growth
Building partnerships with key stakeholders
Facilitating access to graduate education programs and career opportunities
Formed in 1970 by African American MBA students– University of Chicago Graduate School of Business
Member Profile (as of 2011):
Educational Background
45% …………………………………. Finance
25% ………………...……………….. Information Technology
Age Range
22% …………………………………. 25-35 years
51% …………………………………. 36-45 years
20% …………………………………. 46-55 years
49% …………….……………………………. Female
51%........…………………………………. Male

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National Black Mba Association receives up to 0.09M pageviews per day, in countries such as United States.

They are headquartered at Atlanta, GA, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. National Black Mba Association works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense, AppNexus, BlueKai, BlueKai DMP, LinkedIn Ads, Bizo,, Google Publisher Tag, Facebook Custom Audiences, Google AdSense Integrator, BlueStreak, SiteScout, Google Remarketing, Teads, DemDex, Adobe Audience Manager Sync, eXelate, Tapad.