Nationwide Children's Hospital
Nationwide ChildrenÍs is America's largest pediatric hospital, an international leader in research and is ranked in all 10 specialties on U.S.News & World ReportÍs 2016-17 ñAmericaÍs Best ChildrenÍs Hospitalsî list. Our staff, comprised of 1,100 medical professionals and over 10,000 employees, provides state-of-the-art pediatric care for one million patient visits annually. And, according to the ChildrenÍs Hospital Association, Nationwide Children's is the #1 provide
Hospital & Health Care
> 10,000
Columbus, OH, United States

Nationwide ChildrenÍs is America's largest pediatric hospital, an international leader in research and is ranked in all 10 specialties on U.S.News & World ReportÍs 2016-17 ñAmericaÍs Best ChildrenÍs Hospitalsî list. Our staff, comprised of 1,100 medical professionals and over 10,000 employees, provides state-of-the-art pediatric care for one million patient visits annually. And, according to the ChildrenÍs Hospital Association, Nationwide Children's is the #1 provider of pediatric surgery in the country.

As home to the Department of Pediatrics of The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Nationwide ChildrenÍs physicians train the next generation of pediatricians and pediatric specialists. The Research Institute at Nationwide ChildrenÍs Hospital is one of the Top 10 National Institutes of Health-funded freestanding pediatric research facilities. Nationwide ChildrenÍs remains true to the original mission since its founding in 1892 of providing care regardless of a familyÍs ability to pay. More information is available at

Our doctors represent every major pediatric sub-specialty. Signature programs include heart, cancer, gastroenterology and neonatology care, all of which are internationally recognized. Dr. Steve Allen is CEO of Nationwide ChildrenÍs Hospital, which includes The Research Institute at Nationwide ChildrenÍs Hospital, Nationwide ChildrenÍs Hospital Foundation and the Center for Family Safety and Healing at Nationwide ChildrenÍs Hospital.

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| My Residency
  • 96 SDKs
  • 4.14 Avg. Rating
  • 1 Total reviews
  • App Url:
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  • Genre: Medical
  • Bundle ID:
  • App Size: 105 M
  • Version: 4.2.3
  • Release Date: June 2nd, 2012
  • Update Date: February 23rd, 2018


The MyChildren’s app from Nationwide Children’s Hospital allows you to keep track of all your children’s healthcare needs. Specialty tools for kids who have diabetes, Epilepsy, Cystic Fibrosis or are in a NICU facility. Create a timeline for all immunizations your child needs and get timely health and wellness info per child. If you live in Central Ohio you can also get quick access to our urgent care wait times.

Additional app features include:
- New Medication tracking tool
- Search, add, and track medications for each child
- Get notified when it is time to refill your medication
- Set alarms and receive notifications when it is time to take your meds
- Access updated seasonal content to better suit your child’s needs
- Updated Diabetes Journal
- View enhanced insulin calculations to better manage your child's diabetes. If insulin adjustment is needed, the calculator will determine which insulin to adjust and change insulin dose
- Track your entries by time of day, week, month or year
- Separate journal entries by meal type
- Setup reminders to help you remember to make your journal entry
- New Epilepsy Toolkit
- Log your child’s seizures with the new Seizure Log
- Fill out your child’s Seizure Action Plan, which is their EMERGENCY medicine dosage and it can be easily shared with friends, school nurse or any of your child’s caretakers
- Set reminders for each medication to let you know when to take and refill your meds
- Use the new checklist feature as a quick reference guide to help you with your next physician appointment
- Browse a robust amount of useful and educational Epilepsy content

Daily Downloads Feb 01 - 28, 2025
Created with Highcharts 7.1.2USAMay 4May 6May 8May 10May 12May 14May 16May 18May 20May 22May 24May 26May 28May 3012.557.51012.515

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Reviews (Newest First)


Aug 29, 2012

Good but App crashes

This looks like a very good app but it is crashing on me every time when in the All Locations search.
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