NEORIS is a leading global consultancy that unlocks business potential and drives digital innovation. NEORIS cultivates the knowledge of technology, people and design to enable the critical bridge connecting legacy technology to new digital solutions, through a holistic, scalable and sustainable customer-centric transformation. Our vision is to empower our clients by driving creative thinking, disruptive innovation and leading edge digital experiences through human insights that transcend technology. Headquartered in Miami, FL., NEORIS has more than 3,500 employees and a network of global delivery centers, design studios and operations in the U.S., Europe, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. NEORIS is a subsidiary of CEMEX (NYSE: CX). More information is available at, on Facebook or Twitter @NEORIS.
Information Technology and Services
5,000 - 10,000
Miami, FL, United States

NEORIS is a leading global consultancy that unlocks business potential and drives digital innovation.

NEORIS cultivates the knowledge of technology, people and design to enable the critical bridge connecting legacy technology to new digital solutions, through a holistic, scalable and sustainable customer-centric transformation.

Our vision is to empower our clients by driving creative thinking, disruptive innovation and leading edge digital experiences through human insights that transcend technology.

Headquartered in Miami, FL., NEORIS has more than 3,500 employees and a network of global delivery centers, design studios and operations in the U.S., Europe, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

NEORIS is a subsidiary of CEMEX (NYSE: CX).

More information is available at, on Facebook or Twitter @NEORIS.

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  • 638467 Global Rank
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Global Rank 334,444
Argentina Rank 4,769
Argentina Page Views 88.3%
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  • 0 SDKs
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  • Genre: Business
  • Bundle ID: com.neoris.neorisapp
  • App Size: 5.55 M
  • Version: 1.02
  • Release Date: April 5th, 2012
  • Update Date: May 31st, 2012


Neoris is a global business and IT consulting company. Neoris is a leading provider of nearshore outsourcing services through a global delivery model leveraging six worldwide software development centers, and offering systems integration, custom application and mobile development, and software deployment and support solutions. Through our app, get immediate access to the latest from our Leaders in our Social Media Channels, job listings, updated press releases and corporate material, local contact information, and much more!

Neoris receives traffic in countries such as Mexico.

They are headquartered at Miami, FL, United States, and have 4 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Neoris works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, LinkedIn Ads, Facebook Custom Audiences.