New Caney Isd
New Caney Independent School District is one of the fastest growing school districts in the state of Texas. With 17 schools and nearly 15,000 students, NCISD has grown by more than 35% since 2011. The district employees more than 2,000 including teachers, professional/administrative staff, paraprofessionals, and auxiliary support personnel. New Caney ISD believes there is a set of skills, knowledge, and attitudes essential for a purposeful and productive life. The NCISD community has committed to designing modern learning environments in high quality facilities, providing students with a wide range of opportunities for college and career exploration, and hiring the best professionals in Texas so that graduates will be equipped to thrive in the REALITY of their future.
Education Management
1,000 - 5,000
New Caney, TX, United States

New Caney Independent School District is one of the fastest growing school districts in the state of Texas. With 17 schools and nearly 15,000 students, NCISD has grown by more than 35% since 2011. The district employees more than 2,000 including teachers, professional/administrative staff, paraprofessionals, and auxiliary support personnel.

New Caney ISD believes there is a set of skills, knowledge, and attitudes essential for a purposeful and productive life. The NCISD community has committed to designing modern learning environments in high quality facilities, providing students with a wide range of opportunities for college and career exploration, and hiring the best professionals in Texas so that graduates will be equipped to thrive in the REALITY of their future.

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They are headquartered at New Caney, TX, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. New Caney Isd works with Advertising technology companies such as Google Adsense for Search, DoubleClick.Net.