Nitro Circus
Nitro Circus continues to position itself as one of the foremost, up and coming youth action sports & entertainment brands on the planet. From humble beginnings, with Jeremy Rawle, Gregg Godfrey and extreme sports superstar Travis Pastrana producing DVDs from a garage in Utah in 2003, to a smash TV series which has aired in 60+ countries and become one of MTVÍs most popular programs of all time, Nitro Circus has exploded to global popularity, leaving

Nitro Circus continues to position itself as one of the foremost, up and coming youth action sports & entertainment brands on the planet. From humble beginnings, with Jeremy Rawle, Gregg Godfrey and extreme sports superstar Travis Pastrana producing DVDs from a garage in Utah in 2003, to a smash TV series which has aired in 60+ countries and become one of MTVÍs most popular programs of all time, Nitro Circus has exploded to global popularity, leaving a burning impression on the minds of young people across the planet. The Nitro Circus 3D Movie, featuring cast members from the MTV series, was released in 2012 in cinemas worldwide.

In 2010, the TV show was transformed by current CEO and action sports industry veteran Michael Porra into a must-see live event, creating the global touring phenomenon that is Nitro Circus Live. Since the inaugural tour of Australia four years ago, the show has travelled the globe, obliterating box office records and cultivating a legion of diehard fans. The tour has now rolled across five continents, with sold-out shows in Australia, New Zealand, China, the United States, Canada, South Africa, and all across the European Continent.

´ Named To Forbes America's Most Promising Companies List - #22 in 2015

´ TV Series Broadcast In 60 Countries Around The Globe

´ Over 70 Million Fans Of Multiple TV Series

´ Ranked #1 Among Male Teens. #2 For Original Cable Series Premieres Among Males 12--24

´ Over 2 Million Spectators Have Seen Nitro Circus Live Since 2010

´ Live Tours On Every Continent

´ Largest & Most Engaged Digital Audience In Action Sports - Over 6 Million Social Media Followers

´ 750,000 Nitro Circus DVD's Sold

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  • Electronics and Electrical
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| Epic Makes Misses and Mayhem
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  • Genre: sports
  • Bundle ID: com.creator.nitrocircus
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  • Version: 5716
  • Release Date: April 24th, 2015


Travis Pastrana and his crew of action sports enthusiasts travel the world in search of the biggest, baddest, and craziest stunts. In their attempts to do what they love, sometimes they have some epic crashes and legendary fails, but pass or fail, their goal is to entertain the world!

This App is a home for Nitro Circus fans to connect, follow us on the road, and watch some of the most jaw dropping footage we've ever brought you.

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Nitro Circus
They are headquartered at Australia, and have 6 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Nitro Circus works with Advertising technology companies such as Turn, Accuen, DoubleClick.Net, AppNexus, Google Adsense, AdRoll, eXelate, BlueKai, Twitter Ads, Facebook Exchange FBX, Facebook Custom Audiences, Google Remarketing, Google Adsense Asynchronous, Google AdSense Integrator, Ads.txt, Google Direct, JW Player Tracking, Less than 5 Ads.txt, Less than 5 DIRECT Ads.txt, StackAdapt, StackAdapt Retageting,, Reddit Ads, comScore Activation.