Norwegian Promotion Group
NPGÍs ambition is to be a leading company in the development of experience-based communication within the Norwegian and international meeting and trade fair industry. Through focus on competence-driven business, we will be a driving force in customer business development and value-creating experiences. Norwegian Promotion Group (NPG) was established in 1991, as an innovative centre of expertise for experience-based communication with focus on engaging experiences and value-added meeting arena. NPG is the market leader in exhibition communication, design and construction of exhibition stands, and our employees have a passion for branding and the unique experiences that create profitable meetings between people. The NPG Group has 48 employees with offices in Oslo, Frankfurt and Budapest, and has an Euro 15 million in turnover. Ownership is divided between companies controlled by the employees of the management team. Our customers and partners include major international companies, private and public organizations, government, sports and the SME market.
Marketing and Advertising
10 - 50
Oslo, Oslo, Norway

NPGÍs ambition is to be a leading company in the development of experience-based communication within the Norwegian and international meeting and trade fair industry. Through focus on competence-driven business, we will be a driving force in customer business development and value-creating experiences.

Norwegian Promotion Group (NPG) was established in 1991, as an innovative centre of expertise for experience-based communication with focus on engaging experiences and value-added meeting arena. NPG is the market leader in exhibition communication, design and construction of exhibition stands, and our employees have a passion for branding and the unique experiences that create profitable meetings between people.

The NPG Group has 48 employees with offices in Oslo, Frankfurt and Budapest, and has an Euro 15 million in turnover. Ownership is divided between companies controlled by the employees of the management team. Our customers and partners include major international companies, private and public organizations, government, sports and the SME market.

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Global Rank 3,679,172
United States Rank 183,434
United States Page Views 94.4%
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Top Search Keywords
  • Polymers
  • Rubber
  • Manufactured Product
Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
  • 0 SDKs
  • 4.84 Avg. Rating
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  • Genre: Entertainment
  • Bundle ID: com.yonoton.npg
  • App Size: 38.8 M
  • Version: 3.2.0
  • Release Date: March 16th, 2017
  • Update Date: August 6th, 2018


Night Lite - Aina yössä

Night Lite -applikaatiolla olet yöelämän suurvisiiri. Saavu paikalle pöytä varattuna ja juomat valmiiksi tilattuna. Parhaimmat edut ja tiedot tapahtumista kaikki kätevästi puhelimessa – yöelämä taskussasi.

Night Litessa on mukana 15 baaria ja yökerhoa Helsingissä, Kajaanissa, Lappeenrannassa, Lahdessa, Seinäjoella ja Valkeakoskella.

Kuinka Night Lite toimii?

Tutki kaupungin parhaita baareja ja yökerhoja, merkitse suosikkisi ja saat tietää kun bileet alkavat. Night Liten kautta saat myös vaihtuvia etuja suosikkiyökerhoihisi.

Halutessasi voit päivittää jäsenyytesi Shine-tasolle, jolla saat kaikissa suosikkiyökerhoissasi 15% alennusta normaalihintaisista juomatuotteista, sekä sisäänpääsyetuja yökerhoihin. Night Lite yhdistyy maksukorttiisi ja Shine-jäsenyyden maksu tapahtuu taustalla, joka tekee jäsenyydestä vaivatonta.

Night Liten asiakaspalvelu palvelee live-chatissa osoitteessa arkisin 9.00 - 17.00.

Night Lite - Aina yössä

Miksi Night Lite?

Käyttämällä Night Litea säästät aikaa ja rahaa, sillä sovelluksesta löytyy suosikkipaikkasi ajankohtaisuudet ja edut. Night Litella voit kätevästi selata, tilata ja maksaa juomia yökerhossa siihen tallentamallasi maksukortilla. Tilaaminen onnistuu omasta pöydästä tai vaikka tanssilattialta. Night Lite on avuksi myös vieraammassa kaupungissa ollessasi etkoilla ja bileissä, sillä applikaation avulla on helppo löytää uusi suosikkipaikka.

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Norwegian Promotion Group
Norwegian Promotion Group
They are headquartered at Oslo, Oslo, Norway, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Norwegian Promotion Group works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Google Remarketing, DoubleClick Bid Manager, LinkedIn Ads, Facebook Custom Audiences.