Nvpc - National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre
The National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC) is an independent not-for-profit organisation that advocates giving in Singapore. Our vision is to be a Giving Nation and to cultivate a strong culture of contribution where giving is part of every SingaporeanÍs DNA. We work closely with other charities, corporates, public sector agencies, institutions as well as the community to build a robust ecosystem to make giving simple, fun and meaningful. We enabl
Nonprofit Organization Management
Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Nvpc - National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre

The National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC) is an independent not-for-profit organisation that advocates giving in Singapore. Our vision is to be a Giving Nation and to cultivate a strong culture of contribution where giving is part of every SingaporeanÍs DNA. We work closely with other charities, corporates, public sector agencies, institutions as well as the community to build a robust ecosystem to make giving simple, fun and meaningful.

We enable and amplify giving by influencing hearts and minds through:
‡ Storytelling
‡ Research
‡ Recognising giving champions
‡ Connecting & Convening givers & multipliers
‡ Activating giving on a national scale

We create the national narrative on giving and stories that influence hearts and minds. We also conduct research on giving motivations and behaviours, create roadmaps and landscape of the giving sector, and aspire to be the go-to-place for giving. We honour and recognise giving champions because giving is part of our culture and DNA that we want to model. We connect and convene to create networks and build communities to impact the giving space on a national level. We activate giving and use strategies that multiply our impact on a national scale such as through national level giving campaigns.

Will you join us to make this dream a reality to inspire others in the process, and ultimately transform the nation we live in? Click here to find out more about the job opportunities within NVPC. Be the change you want to see!

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Nvpc - National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre
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