Oaktree is an organisation building the movement to end poverty, led by young people. Oaktree works in three ways. One, we raise awareness about extreme poverty in Australia because movements need widespread public support. Compelling experiences and storytelling helps us educate and inspire. This is at the heart of our social impact. Two, we fundraise to work with local organisations that directly tackle poverty overseas. Education is the most powerful tool to help break the poverty cycle for our peers across the Asia-Pacific. So that one day soon, theyÍll lift their communities out of extreme poverty too. And three, we influence policy change by ensuring AustraliaÍs leaders take action to end poverty. We aim to connect decision makers with the diversity of our movement to influence policy change. For us, change starts with a simple belief - that extreme poverty is unacceptable. Beliefs turn into action, and enough informed action will build a powerful social movement. Young people have a unique ability to build and lead this movement. Oaktree is AustraliaÍs largest youth-run organisation with over 150,000 members. Oaktree is entirely volunteer run by young people under the age of 26. Oaktree was founded in 2003 and is now established in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia.
Nonprofit Organization Management
Shreveport, LA, United States

Oaktree is an organisation building the movement to end poverty, led by young people.

Oaktree works in three ways.

One, we raise awareness about extreme poverty in Australia because movements need widespread public support. Compelling experiences and storytelling helps us educate and inspire. This is at the heart of our social impact.

Two, we fundraise to work with local organisations that directly tackle poverty overseas. Education is the most powerful tool to help break the poverty cycle for our peers across the Asia-Pacific. So that one day soon, theyÍll lift their communities out of extreme poverty too.

And three, we influence policy change by ensuring AustraliaÍs leaders take action to end poverty. We aim to connect decision makers with the diversity of our movement to influence policy change.

For us, change starts with a simple belief - that extreme poverty is unacceptable. Beliefs turn into action, and enough informed action will build a powerful social movement.

Young people have a unique ability to build and lead this movement. Oaktree is AustraliaÍs largest youth-run organisation with over 150,000 members. Oaktree is entirely volunteer run by young people under the age of 26.

Oaktree was founded in 2003 and is now established in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia.

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They are headquartered at Shreveport, LA, United States, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Oaktree works with Advertising technology companies such as Facebook Custom Audiences, DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense, Demand Media Tracker, Kontera, Index Exchange.