Obs Pakistan Pvt. Ltd.
OBS is ranked among the top 20 pharmaceutical players amongst 695 companies with a strong presence in Pakistan and Sri Lanka. It is among the very few companies in Pakistan which has specialized in developing strategic business alliances with reputed international firms like Organon, Merck & Co. Inc. USA and Schering Plough by providing a full range of high quality professional services encompassing manufacturing, marketing and sales of pharmaceutical and co
Karachi, Pakistan
Obs Pakistan Pvt. Ltd.

OBS is ranked among the top 20 pharmaceutical players amongst 695 companies with a strong presence in Pakistan and Sri Lanka. It is among the very few companies in Pakistan which has specialized in developing strategic business alliances with reputed international firms like Organon, Merck & Co. Inc. USA and Schering Plough by providing a full range of high quality professional services encompassing manufacturing, marketing and sales of pharmaceutical and consumer health products. We aim to become the centre of excellence for our partners. The OBS group operates via its five sister concerns OBS Pakistan (formerly Merck Sharp & Dohme of Pakistan), Schering Plough Pakistan, OBS Healthcare (formerly Organon Pakistan), OBS Pharma (Focusing on branded generics), and Aklima Clinical Research.

We continuously invest on upgrading our information systems which enable us to scientifically grow our business and help the management to have effective controls and further improve the efficiency of the organization.

In addition to the systems, we also strongly believe that people are the most important asset for an organization. We believe in equal employment opportunity and harnessing diversity in our group companies. We regularly invest in the training and development of our human resource through both internal and external training and development programs.

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They are headquartered at Karachi, Pakistan, and have 3 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.