Ocean Healthcare
Ocean Healthcare is a dynamic privately owned business. We offer sales, marketing and distribution solutions to healthcare brand owners. We manage some major international brands. We offer a menu of solutions to our principles. From total brand management to sales and national account management. We can tailor a strategy to meet the commercial requirements. We have an experienced commercial team with a proven track record building brands and repositioning stagnating brands for growth. We offer total distribution to the pharmacy, Health Store and grocery channel in Ireland. Ocean Healthcare Ltd are an approved Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) medical wholesaler. Our distribution premises are also ISO 2001:2008 approved. There is no better way of gaining excellent distribution levels than by the direct calls and total brand management we offer.
10 - 50
Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Ocean Healthcare is a dynamic privately owned business. We offer sales, marketing and distribution solutions to healthcare brand owners.

We manage some major international brands. We offer a menu of solutions to our principles. From total brand management to sales and national account management. We can tailor a strategy to meet the commercial requirements.

We have an experienced commercial team with a proven track record building brands and repositioning stagnating brands for growth. We offer total distribution to the pharmacy, Health Store and grocery channel in Ireland.

Ocean Healthcare Ltd are an approved Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) medical wholesaler. Our distribution premises are also ISO 2001:2008 approved.

There is no better way of gaining excellent distribution levels than by the direct calls and total brand management we offer.

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  • Transportation and Logistics
  • Distribution and Logistics
  • Distribution
  • Internet Order Fulfillment
They are headquartered at Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Ocean Healthcare works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.