Ostara Nutrient Recovery Technologies
Ostara helps protect precious water resources by changing the way cities around the world manage nutrients in wastewater streams. The companyÕs Pearl¨ and WASSTRIP¨ technologies recover phosphorus and nitrogen at municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants, transforming them into a high-value, eco-friendly fertilizer, Crystal Green¨. The process greatly reduces nutrient management costs and helps plants meet increasingly stringent discharge limits while improving operating reliability. Crystal Green is the first continuous release granular fertilizer to provide Root-Activatedª phosphorus, nitrogen and magnesium (5-28-0-10Mg), and is marketed through a global network of blenders and distributors to growers in the turf, horticultural and agriculture sectors. Its unique Root-Activatedª mode of action improves crop yields, enhances turf performance and significantly reduces the risk of leaching and runoff, thus protecting local waterways from nutrient pollution. Ostara operates multiple facilities throughout North America and Europe and opened the worldÕs largest nutrient recovery facility in partnership with the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago in spring 2016. For more information, visit www.ostara.com and www.crystalgreen.com.
Renewables & Environment
10 - 50
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Ostara helps protect precious water resources by changing the way cities around the world manage nutrients in wastewater streams. The companyÕs Pearl¨ and WASSTRIP¨ technologies recover phosphorus and nitrogen at municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants, transforming them into a high-value, eco-friendly fertilizer, Crystal Green¨. The process greatly reduces nutrient management costs and helps plants meet increasingly stringent discharge limits while improving operating reliability. Crystal Green is the first continuous release granular fertilizer to provide Root-Activatedª phosphorus, nitrogen and magnesium (5-28-0-10Mg), and is marketed through a global network of blenders and distributors to growers in the turf, horticultural and agriculture sectors. Its unique Root-Activatedª mode of action improves crop yields, enhances turf performance and significantly reduces the risk of leaching and runoff, thus protecting local waterways from nutrient pollution. Ostara operates multiple facilities throughout North America and Europe and opened the worldÕs largest nutrient recovery facility in partnership with the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago in spring 2016.

For more information, visit www.ostara.com and www.crystalgreen.com.

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They are headquartered at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Ostara Nutrient Recovery Technologies works with Advertising technology companies such as Neustar AdAdvisor, Aggregate Knowledge, Dstillery, Drawbridge, Rocket Fuel, DoubleClick.Net, Twitter Ads.