Outerstuff, Ltd
Outerstuff is the leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of licensed childrenÕs sports apparel for all of the major sports leagues and leading colleges in North America. Outerstuff has established itself as an industry leader in the branded youth apparel market by leveraging its in-house design team, low-cost manufacturing, sophisticated demand-planning methodology and longstanding relationships with the leagues, brands, and retailers. Outerstuff designs and produces childrenÕs jerseys, t-shirts and other clothing items for the leading brands in American sports, including the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, MLS, US Olympic Committee, and more than 200 leading colleges and universities, as well as AdidasÕ youth apparel. Outerstuff collaborates closely with its league and corporate partners and is viewed as a trusted partner in their apparel business.
Apparel & Fashion
500 - 1,000
New York, NY, United States

Outerstuff is the leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of licensed childrenÕs sports apparel for all of the major sports leagues and leading colleges in North America.

Outerstuff has established itself as an industry leader in the branded youth apparel market by leveraging its in-house design team, low-cost manufacturing, sophisticated demand-planning methodology and longstanding relationships with the leagues, brands, and retailers.
Outerstuff designs and produces childrenÕs jerseys, t-shirts and other clothing items for the leading brands in American sports, including the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, MLS, US Olympic Committee, and more than 200 leading colleges and universities, as well as AdidasÕ youth apparel.
Outerstuff collaborates closely with its league and corporate partners and is viewed as a trusted partner in their apparel business.

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They are headquartered at New York, NY, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.