P&G serves consumers around the world with one of the strongest portfolios of trusted, quality, leadership brands, including Always¬, Ambi Pur¬, Ariel¬, Bounty¬, Charmin¬, Crest¬, Dawn¬, Downy¬, Fairy¬, Febreze¬, Gain¬, Gillette¬, Head & Shoulders¬, Lenor¬, Olay¬, Oral-B¬, Pampers¬, Pantene¬, SK-II¬, Tide¬, Vicks¬, and Whisper¬. The P&G community includes operations in approximately 70 countries worldwide. Please visit http://www.pg.com for the latest news and information about P&G and its brands. Or to learn more about a career at P&G, visit www.PGCareers.com.
Consumer Goods
Cincinnati, Ohio

P&G serves consumers around the world with one of the strongest portfolios of trusted, quality, leadership brands, including Always¬, Ambi Pur¬, Ariel¬, Bounty¬, Charmin¬, Crest¬, Dawn¬, Downy¬, Fairy¬, Febreze¬, Gain¬, Gillette¬, Head & Shoulders¬, Lenor¬, Olay¬, Oral-B¬, Pampers¬, Pantene¬, SK-II¬, Tide¬, Vicks¬, and Whisper¬.

The P&G community includes operations in approximately 70 countries worldwide.

Please visit http://www.pg.com for the latest news and information about P&G and its brands. Or to learn more about a career at P&G, visit www.PGCareers.com.

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  • 66 SDKs
  • 2.31 Avg. Rating
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  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/procter-gamble/id511855507
  • App Support: https://pgconsumersupport.secure.force.com/ContactUs?brand=Charmin&Country=United+States+of+America&Language=English-US
  • Genre: Travel
  • Bundle ID: com.pg.charmin.sitorsquat
  • App Size: 87 M
  • Version: 3.1
  • Release Date: April 18th, 2012
  • Update Date: December 28th, 2017


*** Need to go, on the go? SitOrSquat powered by Charmin can help you find public restrooms near you or where you’re planning to travel (now includes select countries outside of the US!). Install SitOrSquat to search, view, rate and add public restrooms to help you, your family and others enjoy the go, on the go.****

New updates include Security Upgrades & improved Map Functionality!

Benefits & Features:

• SEARCH and VIEW over 100,000+ public restrooms nearest your current location on a map or as a list.

• MAP results with an interactive, location-based map with travel time details.

• REGISTER using email or Facebook to Add & Comment, Review, and Upload Pictures for bathrooms you've used.

• RATE restrooms by choosing “Sit” (you enjoyed the bathroom) or “Squat” (it could be better) and provide your relevant experience and honest opinions, including pictures.

• ADD public restrooms to the database by entering basic location information and helpful details like pictures and features.

• FILTER results by choosing specific features such as Sit-or-Squat Rating, Baby Changing Table, Handicap Accessible, or Free for Public Use restrooms.

The SitOrSquat app powered by Charmin lets you access and record bathroom information wherever you go. All of our restroom content is added by YOU, our loyal users. We currently have over 100,000 bathrooms and we need your help in growing that database. Join the SitOrSquat movement! Download the app to add and review bathrooms today! We all go. Why not enjoy the go with SitOrSquat powered by Charmin.

NOTE: SitOrSquat uses Facebook Connect. Using this app may send personal information about you or your device to Facebook should you use Facebook to login.

Find Charmin online!
• “Like” Charmin on Facebook.
• Follow us on Twitter @Charmin or tweet #tweetfromtheseat
• Visit charmin.com for more information on all the playful apps and stickers that Charmin offers!

Trust is a cornerstone of our corporate mission, and the success of our business depends on it. P&G is committed to maintaining your trust by protecting personal information we collect about you, our consumers. View full details of our Privacy Statement:


Daily Downloads Dec 01 - 31, 2024

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Jan 19, 2017

I don't know why

I don't know why I love this app, I just do

events guy

Dec 19, 2016

Location ALWAYS ON, will slow down iPhone, error msg

Concept is great, execution needs improvement Time for an update. Add use location only when using app. Update whatever is necessary to avoid the dreaded "may slow down your iPhone." No place to send feedback or message to developer from inside App. Received error when tapping on some locations. Executing action [getBathroom] of controller... When I switch from List to Map view it only shows 1 location, despite my current location being in the middle of the city. List view had dozens of locations nearby. Why doesn't Map view?

Former Army Officer

Dec 13, 2016


Did show bathroom. Map does orient to the ground. Also does not show street names unless you move frame around, then you can't see bathroom. Does not update as you get closer or farther away. Worth what I paid for it.


Sep 16, 2016

Location always on??

There's no reason for location to always be on. Make it so that its's on while using and I'll think about adding a star. It uses up too much battery power, and is intrusive. Also, the app is not at all intuitive. A little explanation would go a long way. None of the rest rooms in my area have any information, so I just have to find out for myself. Sit or Squat, it's all the same. What's the difference? I'm not impressed with this app. It could be SO much better. I gave it two stars but I'm not sure why, it really deserves only one, but I guess I gave it the second because I'm hopeful it'll get better.


Sep 16, 2016

Location services setting makes this unusable

There is no reason this app needs my location when not in use, and there is no option to turn on location services only in use. There also isn't an easy way to use the app to find places that aren't nearby. You have to scroll through the map all the way to the location to search and that resets if you ever leave the app.


Jul 17, 2016

Too intrusive

I'd love to use this app, but there is no reason on earth why Charmin needs to know my location all the time! Invasion of privacy...Not to mention that drains the battery. Give us a "while using the app" choice.
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They are headquartered at Cincinnati, Ohio, and have 10 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. P&g works with Advertising technology companies such as Twitter Ads.