Pakistan Mercantile Exchange Limited
Pakistan Mercantile Exchange-PMEX is the first technology driven, de-mutualized, on-line commodity futures exchange in Pakistan. PMEX Õs shareholders are National Bank of Pakistan, Karachi Stock Exchange, Lahore Stock Exchange, Islamabad Stock Exchange, Pak Kuwait Investment Company (Pvt.) Limited, and Zarai Taraqiati Bank Ltd and it is regulated by Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. Pakistan Mercantile Exchange was formed in 2002 and it formally became operational in May 2007 by launching the first product of Gold Futures Contract. This listing was followed by the first gold physical delivery in August of 2007. Additional Products were subsequently launched Ð IRRI -6 rice in March 2008 Palm Olien futures in June 2008 and KIBOR futures in Jan 2009. Crude Oil and Silver contracts were listed in Nov 2009. The Exchange recently increased its timings and now operates 21 hours. The increase trading hoours has help investors in Pakistan to keep pace with the international market, investors in Pakistan get the opportunity to be a part of the global activity from a regulated platform where by the benefit from the commodity price trends and have the ability to hedge their trades.
Financial Services
10 - 50
Karachi, Pakistan

Pakistan Mercantile Exchange-PMEX is the first technology driven, de-mutualized, on-line commodity futures exchange in Pakistan. PMEX Õs shareholders are National Bank of Pakistan, Karachi Stock Exchange, Lahore Stock Exchange, Islamabad Stock Exchange, Pak Kuwait Investment Company (Pvt.) Limited, and Zarai Taraqiati Bank Ltd and it is regulated by Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan.

Pakistan Mercantile Exchange was formed in 2002 and it formally became operational in May 2007 by launching the first product of Gold Futures Contract. This listing was followed by the first gold physical delivery in August of 2007. Additional Products were subsequently launched Ð IRRI -6 rice in March 2008 Palm Olien futures in June 2008 and KIBOR futures in Jan 2009. Crude Oil and Silver contracts were listed in Nov 2009.

The Exchange recently increased its timings and now operates 21 hours. The increase trading hoours has help investors in Pakistan to keep pace with the international market, investors in Pakistan get the opportunity to be a part of the global activity from a regulated platform where by the benefit from the commodity price trends and have the ability to hedge their trades.

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They are headquartered at Karachi, Pakistan, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.