Pakistan Testing Service
Pakistan Testing Service has been totally focused on Providing Highest Testing Standards Pakistan Testing Service has been established to undertake the responsibility of testing and assessment of institutions across the country. The prima facie object of PTS is to endeavor for institutional development and progress and prosperity of individuals. PTS is to play its major role in creating and grooming future leaders who can play a positive role towards up gradatio
Higher Education
5,000 - 10,000
Pakistan Testing Service

Pakistan Testing Service has been totally focused on Providing Highest Testing Standards
Pakistan Testing Service has been established to undertake the responsibility of testing and assessment of institutions across the country. The prima facie object of PTS is to endeavor for institutional development and progress and prosperity of individuals. PTS is to play its major role in creating and grooming future leaders who can play a positive role towards up gradation of the institutions within country and world around.
PTS has linkages with the organizations of international repute for the betterment in the assessment process across the country and world. We are in process to hunt the potential candidates who can be placed in the organizations of indigenous and international organizations to make their timely contributions. Historically, Pakistan has talented human capital equipped with modern technology, information and technology, skilled and professional labour. Demographically, Pakistani youth bulge (almost 70 %) is fully aware of utilization of its potential and energies. Due to globalization, the world has been considered as a global village where institutions and organizations have been considered as industrial units. Due to easy access of information and communication, the world societies are like a webpage where everything is vivid and crystal clear. The concepts like heterogeneity have been turning into homogeneity and employees feeling each other as member of one family without caste, culture and creed. Globalization has also created a nexus among all the institutions of the world where borderless community is playing its role for institutional development by introducing novel practices like Social Corporate Responsibility (CSR) and Equal Opportunity Employer (EEO).

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