Panda Retail Company Savola Group
Panda was founded in 1978 as one of the most important organizations in the retail sector in Saudi Arabia. In 1994, Panda merged with Azizia Company then in late 1998 Azizia Panda United was acquired by Savola Group, one of the largest diversified conglomerates in MENA region, Azizia Panda United became the retail sector of Savola and started its journey to become the leading food retailer in the region. In 2008, This acquisition has aided Panda in its growth and e
> 10,000
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Panda was founded in 1978 as one of the most important organizations in the retail sector in Saudi Arabia. In 1994, Panda merged with Azizia Company then in late 1998 Azizia Panda United was acquired by Savola Group, one of the largest diversified conglomerates in MENA region, Azizia Panda United became the retail sector of Savola and started its journey to become the leading food retailer in the region. In 2008,
This acquisition has aided Panda in its growth and expansion by having the largest market share in the Saudi retail sector.

The first new format of Hypermarket was opened in Riyadh city in 2004. In 2006, Panda moved forward with its regional expansion by opening its first store in Dubai. In 2008, more numbers of stores were operating under the name of Panda when Savola Group acquired ÒGiantÓ supermarkets in Saudi Arabia and merged them with Panda. One year later in 2009, Panda has landed another great success by acquiring all Geant stores in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

In 2014 the company name was changed from Azizia Panda United to the Panda Retail Company. And another big step in the expansion plan was achieved when Panda opened it hypermarket in Egypt in the year of 2015. These big steps have raised Panda share in the retail sector from 7% to more than 8%. Today Panda is the largest food retailer in the Middle East owns more than 400 branch of panda Super, Panda Hyper and Pandati in Saudi Arabia & Egypt making it the largest retail company that offering its services to more than 400 million visitors annually.

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  • 91 SDKs
  • 3.33 Avg. Rating
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  • Genre: Shopping
  • Bundle ID: com.borninteractive.panda
  • App Size: 92 M
  • Version: 7.8.0
  • Release Date: October 31st, 2011
  • Update Date: August 7th, 2018


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العروض الأسبوعية:
عروض بنده وهايبربنده الأسبوعية في متناول يديك اينما كنت
تصفح مجموعة كبيرة من منتجات بنده على جهازك المحمول مباشرةً... كما يمكنك الاطلاع على أسعارها ومعلومات اضافية عنها،، هذا بالاضافة لمحرك البحث الذي يوفر لك امكانية معرفة أسعار المنتجات ومعلومات اضافية عنها بلمسة واحده.

خاصية الـD Touch3:
تطبيقنا الجديد الذي يسمح لك بالوصول الى العروض الأسبوعية أو محدد مواقع أسواقنا بالضغط مطولاً على ايقونة التطبيق في القائمة الرئيسية لأجهزة الايفون.

قائمة المنتجات :
تصنيف جميع المنتجات في اقسام وذلك لبحث اسهل و اسرع .

محدد مواقع متاجر بنده وهايبربنده :
تريد معرفة فرع بنده، هايبربنده الأقرب اليك؟ استخدم محدد مواقع أسواقنا، وبلمسة واحده، سيتم تحديد الفرع الأقرب لك،، مع امكانية استعمال خرائط الجوال للوصول الى الفرع

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Reviews (Newest First)

ابو راكان ٩٨٧

Jan 22, 2017

صورة بطاقة التوفير الي عليها الاسم والمعلومات لا تظهر !



Jan 01, 2017

لا يعمل

التطبيق لا يعمل

Dr JazzE

Dec 30, 2016

Registration issues

App is not letting me register and make a card what's the point of promoting it in stores if it doesn't work


Dec 15, 2016

لا يوجد خيار إظهار بطاقة النقاط

انظرو الى تطبيق بطاقة شكراً وتعلموا


Dec 13, 2016

التحديث لايقبل ايفون 5

التحديث لايشمل iphone 5 عدلوا المشكلة او حذف التطبيق يامبرمجين ونرتاح


Dec 10, 2016

التحديث لايقبل ايفون 5

يعني لازم كل سنتين اغير جهاز عشان تحديث البرامج
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Panda Retail Company Savola Group
Panda Retail Company Savola Group receives up to 1.5M pageviews per day, in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United States.

They are headquartered at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and have 6 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Panda Retail Company Savola Group works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense, Google Remarketing, Facebook Custom Audiences, DoubleClick Bid Manager, Pubmatic, Rubicon Project, AppNexus, Openads/OpenX, Twitter Ads, Snap Pixel.