Payback Polska
PAYBACK is the largest multi-brand consumer engagement platform in Poland. It provides access to the database of nearly 8 million active users who collect points from many different partners. The ProgramÍs idea is to reward consumersÍ everyday purchasing decisions and help companies build and maintain strong relationships with customers. PAYBACK was developed in Germany and now also operates in Poland, Mexico, India and Italy. A lot of partners operat
Marketing and Advertising
Warsaw, Poland

PAYBACK is the largest multi-brand consumer engagement platform in Poland. It provides access to the database of nearly 8 million active users who collect points from many different partners. The ProgramÍs idea is to reward consumersÍ everyday purchasing decisions and help companies build and maintain strong relationships with customers.

PAYBACK was developed in Germany and now also operates in Poland, Mexico, India and Italy. A lot of partners operating in different offline and online sectors have joined the Program over the past eight years of its operations on the Polish market. All of them have a strong market position and attractive B2C offer _ at the moment more than 300 partner companies are cooperating with the Program. PAYBACK has several years'_ experience in working both with international companies and Polish small and medium-sized enterprises.

As the leader in its industry, PAYBACK follows the idea of consumer orientation"_, which is the foundation of its solutions in the areas of data analysis, sales stimulation and marketing relationships.

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Geography Breakdown
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Alexa Traffic Data
Global Rank 587,501
Germany Rank 43,834
Germany Page Views 72.8%
Created with Highcharts 7.1.2Jun 2Jun 4Jun 6Jun 8Jun 10Jun 12Jun 14Jun 16Jun 18Jun 20Jun 22Jun 24Jun 2615000001000000150000020000002500000
Created with Highcharts 7.1.2Jun 2Jun 4Jun 6Jun 8Jun 10Jun 12Jun 14Jun 16Jun 18Jun 20Jun 22Jun 24Jun 260 M0.05 M0.1 M0.15 M0.2 M0.25 M
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  • Consumer Goods and Services
  • Outdoor Recreation
They are headquartered at Warsaw, Poland, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.