Pierre Fabre
Pierre Fabre is the 2nd largest dermo-cosmetics laboratory in the world and the 2nd largest private French pharmaceutical group. In 2016, it generated 2,208 million euros in net sales, of which 58% came from its international business and 57% from its dermo-cosmetics division. Pierre Fabre, which has always been headquartered in the South-West of France, owns subsidiaries in 43 countries, enjoys distribution agreements in over 130 countries and counts around 13,000 employees worldwide. Pierre FabreÍs portfolio represents a continuum of activities spanning from prescription drugs and consumer health care products to dermo-cosmetics. In 2015, Pierre Fabre dedicated almost 200 million euros to R&D, shared between oncology, dermatology, the central nervous system, consumer health care and dermo-cosmetics. Pierre Fabre est le 2me laboratoire dermo-cosm_tique mondial et le 2me groupe pharmaceutique priv_ franais. En 2016, son chiffre dÍaffaires a atteint 2 208 millions dÍeuros dont 58% r_alis_s ö lÍinternational et 57% par la branche dermo-cosm_tique. Implant_ depuis toujours en r_gion Occitanie, Pierre Fabre d_tient des filiales dans 43 pays et distribue ses produits dans plus de 130 pays. Pr_sent sur un continuum dÍactivit_s allant des m_dicaments _thiques aux soins dermo-cosm_tiques en passant par la sant_ grand public, Pierre Fabre compte 13 000 collaborateurs dans le monde. En 2015, lÍentreprise a consacr_ prs de 200 millions dÍeuros ö la R&D r_partis entre oncologie, dermatologie, systme nerveux central, sant_ grand public et dermo-cosm_tique.
> 10,000
Paris, France

Pierre Fabre is the 2nd largest dermo-cosmetics laboratory in the world and the 2nd largest private French pharmaceutical group. In 2016, it generated 2,208 million euros in net sales, of which 58% came from its international business and 57% from its dermo-cosmetics division. Pierre Fabre, which has always been headquartered in the South-West of France, owns subsidiaries in 43 countries, enjoys distribution agreements in over 130 countries and counts around 13,000 employees worldwide.
Pierre FabreÍs portfolio represents a continuum of activities spanning from prescription drugs and consumer health care products to dermo-cosmetics. In 2015, Pierre Fabre dedicated almost 200 million euros to R&D, shared between oncology, dermatology, the central nervous system, consumer health care and dermo-cosmetics.

Pierre Fabre est le 2me laboratoire dermo-cosm_tique mondial et le 2me groupe pharmaceutique priv_ franais. En 2016, son chiffre dÍaffaires a atteint 2 208 millions dÍeuros dont 58% r_alis_s ö lÍinternational et 57% par la branche dermo-cosm_tique. Implant_ depuis toujours en r_gion Occitanie, Pierre Fabre d_tient des filiales dans 43 pays et distribue ses produits dans plus de 130 pays.
Pr_sent sur un continuum dÍactivit_s allant des m_dicaments _thiques aux soins dermo-cosm_tiques en passant par la sant_ grand public, Pierre Fabre compte 13 000 collaborateurs dans le monde. En 2015, lÍentreprise a consacr_ prs de 200 millions dÍeuros ö la R&D r_partis entre oncologie, dermatologie, systme nerveux central, sant_ grand public et dermo-cosm_tique.

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  • 4 SDKs
  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/pierre-fabre/id1090371765
  • App Support: http://www.pierre-fabre.com
  • Genre: Medical
  • Bundle ID: com.pierrefabre.es.osteocalcapp
  • App Size: 1.69 M
  • Version: 1.0
  • Release Date: March 15th, 2016
  • Update Date: March 15th, 2016


La app de Pierre Fabre que calcula la ingesta diaria de calcio de sus pacientes

Osteocalc es una aplicación de Pierre Fabre que le permite realizar un cálculo aproximado y personalizada de la ingesta diaria de calcio según los alimentos consumidos por un paciente. Además, Osteocalc le ofrecerá una recomendación individualizada del aporte de calcio en función del resultado obtenido y el consumo diario recomendado.

Una herramienta práctica, sencilla y de gran valor para el día a día en su consulta, que le ayudará a orientar a sus pacientes en la correcta ingesta diaria de calcio y a prevenir y tratar la osteoporosis.

¿Cómo funciona?

1. Introduzca la edad y el sexo del pacient
2 Seleccione los principales alimentos lácteos ingeridos por el paciente a lo largo del día y fije la cantidad consumida
3 Obtenga una recomendación individualizada según el resultado obtenido y sus necesidades… ¡Así de fácil!

¿Cómo empezar a usar Osteocalc?

1. Descargue la app Osteocalc en su móvil y/o tableta a través de Google Play
2. Inicie la descarga y espere unos instantes hasta que finalice la instalación
3. Abra la app y disfrute directamente de todas sus ventajas

Core Foundation Framework
Core Foundation is a framework that provides fundamental software services useful to application services, application environments, and to applications themselves. Core Foundation also provides abstractions for common data types, facilitates internationalization with Unicode string storage, and offers a suite of utilities such as plug-in support, XML property lists, URL resource access, and preferences.
Foundation Framework
The Foundation framework provides a base layer of functionality for apps and frameworks, including data storage and persistence, text processing, date and time calculations, sorting and filtering, and networking. The classes, protocols, and data types defined by Foundation are used throughout the macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS SDKs.
Launch Services
macOS Launch Services is an API that enables a running app to open other apps or their document files, similar to the Finder or the Dock.Launch Services eliminates apps having to query the Finder to open an app, document, or URL for them. The macOS Finder itself uses Launch Services to perform such tasks. Because the Finder performs no additional processing beyond calling Launch Services, any client using Launch Services for these purposes behaves identically to the Finder.
The UIKit framework (UIKit.framework) provides the crucial infrastructure needed to construct and manage iOS apps. This framework provides the window and view architecture needed to manage an app’s user interface, the event handling infrastructure needed to respond to user input, and the app model needed to drive the main run loop and interact with the system.
Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
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Pierre Fabre
Pierre Fabre receives up to 0.1M pageviews per day, in countries such as United States.

They are headquartered at Paris, France, and have 18 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Pierre Fabre works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.